Sunday 18 December 2011

18.12.11 Twinkle Twinkle

Staff at a 'mother and toddler' group in North Yorkshire have managed to make themselves look fucking stupid, with a move that sees political correctness go mad.  The toddlers have been banned from making a diamond sign (from their thumbs and forefingers) while singing "like a diamond in the sky" because it is similar to "vagina" in sign language.  After all these years, twats in charge of toddlers are now deciding to introduce to the minds of the exceedingly young the concept that they are referring to cunts at an all-too-young age!

Jill Hodges is the assistant director of education, children and young people's services at the City of York Council.  With a title like that, you can already imagine that she is quite prone to behaving like an idiot.  How on earth she can utter "It was a sensible decision taken to prevent deaf children or deaf parents being offended" is beyond me.  Have the deaf never come across this issue before?  No.

The Makaton sign for the female genitalia is an inverted diamond held in front of the crotch.  I rather suggest that the context for toddlers singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star does not often allow them to direct attention towards their crotches - if it does, then there are rather more serious problems to address that Jill Hodges thinks!

The biggest joke in all this is that the Sure Start toddlers group does not even have any deaf children or parents in it.  So, if in the warped minds of the Council the children are in effect singing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, like a cunt in the sky" then no one knows anyway - although they now have the ludicrous thought planted in their minds!  Diamonds in the Sky are not Cunts in the Crotch.

Jill, if I say you're a real diamond, do you get the message?


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