Sunday 11 December 2011

11.12.11 European Veto

What a complete mess.  Britain, which has not joined the Euro and yet is dragged into the financial mess because of the lunacy that led to people thinking one single currency could be compatible with dozens of separate economies and cultures, has rejected a treaty because it would be madness to sign.  However, the Biased Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is one of the institutions that reports events as though the UK has fucked up.  Not at all correct.

It's all very well for EU members to whinge about Cameron not 'joining in' but if the tables were turned, there would be every likelihood that France or Germany, or any other country, would refuse to sign as well.  It is hypocritical of other member states to be moan about Britain when in the past, their own purposes have been served rather well, and far too often.  Furthermore, Britain has paid substantially more than its fair share every year for decades to a Europe that's wasteful and unequal in so many respects.  The creation of the Euro was a political step, and a dream of federalists.  Britain was never ever quite in sync with this, and luckily that view stood firm enough to result in our not joining the Euro.  But where did that sensible step get us.  Not far, when twats like Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown sold out, and ensured that we have had to be included in monetary bail-outs when the issues are linked totally to forced economic union through the single currency.  We should have joined in with the Scandinavian countries as an 'aside' to Europe.

Nick Clegg is a waste of space and is a pointless limb of the Tory government that somehow gets in the way.  I suspect he'll try to water down the government's resolve on basic principles, and encourage the UK to cough up more and more money out of some ludicrous sense of duty.  We all know the Euro is fucked, and all nations are under pressure.  Getting unnecessarily roped into messes not of our own making is hardly sensible.  The EU "partners" (I use that word out of habit and convention, not because it has any merit in describing the relationships that exist between member states) will moan and blame the UK for being arses, but so be it.

I found some of the comments on the recent political goings-on rather hilarious, and the differences between cultures where highlighted.

Germany: "There is one country that has expressed a clear sense of distancing itself - that was Great Britain" - Angela Merkel. [To the point, clear, functional and down the middle, even if the tone suggested contained annoyance]

Great Britain: "I did the right thing for Britain.  We were offered a treaty that didn't have proper safeguards for Britain.  I decided it was not right to sign that treaty." - David Cameron. [All rather proper, considered and sensible, and firm]

France: "David Cameron asked for something that was unacceptable." - Nicolas Sarkozy [Typically a dismissive, sneering 'we are right and you are wrong' tone]

These were all fairly predictable comments, but there were two others that succinctly show the real difference between the English and the French.

"Cameron played a blinder."  - Boris Johnson

"Britain is like a man who wants to go to a wife-swapping party without taking his own wife."  - Unnamed French diplomat.


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