Thursday 15 December 2011

15.12.11 School Heads

There are a few twats in charge of schools.  In any walk of life, there are idiots who give the majority a bad name.  A couple of weeks ago, we had the headmaster who decided (on the coldest day of 2011) to turn off the heating, so that the school was metaphorically "shivering".  Pupils were struggling in classrooms where temperatures were at 1 degree centigrade.  A 'green planet' is a wonderful aspiration, but with China and India and a whole load more countries belching out billions of tonnes of gasses that fuck the environment (with areas of the developed world having had their turn at fucking up the planet) there's not much to be gained by a saving of £137.50 in fuel costs!  So, the headmaster was promoting a green approach but completely misleading his pupils regarding the benefit of their personal discomfort.

Now we have a stupid twat called Gwyneth Alba in Wales (where else with a name like that) deciding to ban the giving/receiving of Christmas cards.  Apparently it's not eco-friendly.  Cards are wasteful and do not belong in her green school, she has decided.  A mother of one pupil claimed that cards had been binned in front of her offspring!  The headmistress is a prize twat and a cunt.  Saying: "Children can exchange cards outside the school gates but not in school" shows she is fucking mad, and deserves to slip on winter ice and suffer an injury that keeps her out of school for as long as possible.


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