Sunday 5 January 2014

5.1.14 Winning The Winslet Way

Kate Winslet was recently in the firing line for an utterance that hardly did service to dads who lose out when it comes to contact with their children, after the breakdown of a relationship.  As a mother of three by three different men, she is hardly flexible, considering her outburst:

"None of this 50/50 time with the mums and dads - my children live with me; that is it."

She dragged in a load of legal people when her stance was set to be used as an example by an organisation on the side of absent fathers.  Typical, you might expect, that a super rich mother would win (at all costs?) in any battle. There probably hasn't in fact been any 'battle' for that very reason.  It might be argued that a mother who is belligerent and denies paternal involvement is somewhat less than admirable, let alone nice.

Kate's latest outburst relates to the name her latest son will have.  I refer not to the silly christian name ('Bear') but to the father's surname - RocknRoll.

"Of course we're not going to call it RocknRoll - people might judge all they like, but I'm a fucking grown-up."

Sorry, luv, but I think 'grown-up' is one of the more remote qualities you aspire to.  I am not sure which element gives more cause for concern over all:

The fact that you're on your third attempt at happy and enduring marriage.
The fact that your three kids have three different dads who apparently get little say in things.
The fact that your latest husband has a stupid name.
The fact that you have named your son 'Bear'.
The fact that you referred to him as 'it'.


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