Friday 31 January 2014

31.1.14 It's Official - UK is a Fascist State

Schools - Where will it end.  After the fuss recently over parents taking kids out of school in term time, and the various fining regimes in place to fuck those parents off, we hear of further developments.  As exemplified by a school in Milton Keynes, parents are now to be charged at £6 per hour for being late to pick up their children.  As ever, I find myself amazed the the various ways in which establishments can rip people off.  It isn't just the tax man that does this - in fact, the tax man is rather straightforward to deal with, and I know in advance what part of my earnings are going to be taken to give to benefits claimants and malingerers.  It's the other bodies who decide to impose further burdens on us.

Councils - simply cuntish organisations with a remit to make cuts galore, while paying their own staff for doing rather little.  Alongside this approach is the horrendous abuse of power through the issuing of parking fines, charges to park on streets and in car parks on land that they 'look after' for the public, and the ever decreasing input when it comes to removing fucking refuse that I am forced to collect in multi-coloured wheelie bins.  If I put the wrong thing in one of them, I'll be fined.  If I leave bins out in the road beyond certain limits, I could be fined.

Police - if I drive without a seat belt, I'll be fined, even though it's me at risk. Any argument that I will cause work for the NHS in being fixed if I am in an accident is a pathetic one as we spend billions on fat cunts.  I am not a fat cunt, and as a non-overweight person I will not be using any element of the extortionate taxes I pay to the NHS for removing blubber etc.  Will I get a rebate?  Of course not.

If I eat an apple at the wheel, I will be fined.  If I drink from a McDonald's cup while driving, I will be fined.  However, if I smoke a cigarette, I won't be fined. This makes no sense.  I demand that I be allowed to eat an apple in lieu of smoking, as I'm a non-smoker.  Controlling an apple in one hand while driving is no more difficult that controlling a cigarette; at least it will not lose a piece and set fire to my crotch.  Now we might have to be fined for smoking at the wheel soon, if the CIC get their way - not on the grounds of smoking compromising control of the vehicle, but if there is a child in the car as well. I've no idea what 'child' means, as definitions vary from age 2 to 18, depending on whether the discussion is about free holiday places, having to have a seat of their own on a plane, qualifying for half price at an amusement park, marrying, getting free prescriptions and a whole host of other things.

Heaven help a smoker who drives at 75mph on a motorway while having a drag, who isn't wearing a seat belt and hogs the middle lane - that's four fines. If you smoked a joint before setting off, you'll probably be fine (forgive the pun) though, as the coppers will no doubt be unable to establish that, let alone prosecute you.

Courts - I see that over and above any penalties imposed by courts, there is the so-called 'victim surcharge' to top up the overall penalty.  The name suggests that there is a victim who's suffered and needs to be compensated, but the truth is the charge has got fuck all to do with that, and is simply a stealth tax on the amount of any fine.  The parents who took their kids out of school during term time this week got a victim surcharge of £120.  WTF? Who gets that money, and why is this fine levied?  A chap severely pruned (well, halved the size of) a tree in his garden without realising there was a preservation order on it.  He was fined £500, with £500 costs incurred by the cuntin council, and there was a 'victim surcharge' of £50.  Does this cunting money go to the tree, or what?  Fucking farce.

The Devil's Sinister Sustenance 

Schools Again - A boy of six has been banned from school for 4 days after teachers discovered a bag of Mini Cheddars in his lunchbox.  At 3ft 9inches and only 3-stone-2-pounds, he's hardly got any worries about calories. Meanwhile, on the next table, there will be a fat kid with real problems who's scoffs a packet of chocolate HobNobs when he gets in from school, but will be seen as a 'golden child' because there are no crisps in his lunchbox.  The fascists now check lunchboxes, and there's a permanent threat to kids that if any lunch is deemed unhealthy, the school might provide a dinner in place of it, and charge the parents.  What next?

Councils Again - This week there was an example of a Council park warden demanding money from a woman, after claiming her dog had left shit on the ground.  It was not her shit or her dog's shit, but the cunt was having none of it. He called the police for back-up!  A twat from the council later made a statement to support the worker and the policy, but failed to acknowledge that the prick had made a mistake and displayed a pathetic approach.  I am totally in favour of fines for those who allow shit to sit on the path, but I expect the cunt issuing tickets to either observe the incident or have proof, and not simply guess before refusing to back down.  What makes any council cuntish is its endorsement of a twat in a cap who demands £80 for a chip that's en-fucking-route to a pigeon's gullet, or for a sweet wrapper blown from a toddler's fingers. I also observe that in the vast majority of cases, the person pestered for money by a council cunt is either female, young or a long way short of 'threatening'. While these tossers are arguing over a single cigarette end or a salt sachet, there are whole bags of rubbish being discarded within a mile radius of every McDonald's in the country.

Schools Again

You may be unlucky enough to have children who go to a school or schools where there is insufficient space to park, nowhere to pull up temporarily, and a fascist streak that pervades.  Consequently you may find that you are on a daily basis running the risk of being fined by police brought in by the school to enforce the double yellow lines are are smeared on every fucking piece of road within quarter of a mile of the school(s).  As a result, come 3pm, there are across the country hundreds of thousands of parents loitering, waiting for kids. Many are parked so far from the school that they have to lock up and walk to the gates to flag down their kids.  Others keep engines running, peering into mirrors in case a traffic warden or copper is on the prowl.  Obviously they are all trying desperately to do the right thing, and are even more desperate to avoid being late, otherwise they'll incur charges.

I am sure that some parents suggest their children take a short walk to a newsagent from where they can be collected.  The kids can then call in for a packet of Mini Cheddars (which they were deprived of at lunch time) and have something to do should there be any parental delay, for example after being stopped by police for having a fag in a car whilst displaying a "Child On Board" sticker.  After being let off with a warning, and a lecture about lingering smoke, the coppers will watch the parent pull off and wish they could demand a full valet before the parent is allowed to have any under 18s in the vehicle. The parent will be glad to have had a fix of nicotine before a child climbs in.


Eventually Ryanair will be seen as a reasonable company with common sense policies, and one which enforces low surcharges and fines.  The rest of the world is catching up fast, and will soon become more cuntish.

Schools Yet Again

Fat kids will get fatter as running in the playground is no longer allowed, for health and safety reasons.  Conkers are banned, bulldog and tag are frowned upon and flamethrowers are considered ill-advised.  [I made the last one up]. Children are expected to drink water, eat no sweets, crisps, biscuits, chocolate, white bread, consume only products that state "no added sugar" [but which will fuck then up with aspartame and other chemicals that will make it impossible for them to concentrate] and not move in case they are in an accident, and seek compensation.

[ CIC = Cunts In Charge ]


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