Wednesday 9 May 2012

9.5.12 Argentina - Piss Off

Cristina Kirchner is misguided (unlike the Exocet missile that sank HMS Sheffield) in her attempts to justify Argentina's continued tantrum over the Falklands.  She is basically stirring up shit because in all other respects, she is fucking irrelevant.  Mis Navalism (see what I did there on the anagram front?) is trying to make a name for herself - who does she think she is - Sean Penn?

The advert showing an Argentinian athlete training in the Falklands was designed to create shit, and it's done so.  "To compete on English soil, we are training on Argentinian soil" reads the slogan - as provocative an effort as saying - 'Fuck you, you cunts'.

What should be the response?  Simple, ban the Argies from competing.  Get a life, woman, and stop meddling in things.  If you feel duty-bound to stir things, work as a chef.

Interestingly, I came across this other picture that I couldn't help including in this post, because it shows exactly what she's doing.  Rather unrealistically, she's better looking (if that's possible) in the figurine form than in real life.


1 comment:

  1. suitable merchandise in case you have to meet any argentine folk.
