Thursday 10 May 2012

10.5.12 Quiz Question of the Month

Apologies for the lateness of this post, but the April 2012 prize for the worst competition question is ready for airing.  It is quite amazing how pathetic the questions are on these pointless 'competitions' and anyone stupid enough to waste money on a text or phone call deserves the costs with little chance of reward.

Commended Runner-Up

A plea for useless calls from viewers of "60 Minute Makeover" for an anwers to the following:

Which of these phrases refers to having successfully finished something?

A: Home and drenched
B: Home and done for
C: Home and dry

April Winner

A really pathetic question offered to viewers of "Britain's Got Talent", which was:

The spy James Bond is also known as -

A: 005
B: 006
C: 007

The Question That Never Was

I suggest that the biggest un-asked question related to The Voice, which could have held a competition as follows:

Which of these is wrong?  It's all about -

A: The age
B: The noise level
C: The manipulation
D: The look
E: The judges
F: The hollering of Holly Willoughby
G: Will talking shite
H: Name-dropping by Tom Jones
I: Fidgeting by Danny
J: The pointlessness of Reggie Yates
K: The Mystic Megness of Jessie
L: The voice


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