Saturday 26 May 2012

26.5.12 Useless Judges

I have no idea why judges these days so often prove to the country that they are useless cunts.  Not a week goes by without there being a report of some or other travesty.  Softness is a quality that ought to be reserved for cotton wool and perhaps tissues.  When it comes to sentencing criminals and cunts, there needs to be some sense of appropriateness in sentences given to offenders.  las, I believe this country is fucked.

I read today that a couple of thugs have been spared jail becaise - it's their first offence!  No, I am all for a little bit of leniency on a 'first offence' if the offence is trivial, or perhaps resulted in minor consequences for anyone involved.  So, someone speeding for the very first time, doing 59mph in a 50mph zone is arguably not an offender of the highest order.  I hate people who thieve, but perhaps there could be room to spare someone whose first offence is nicking a Mars Bar is they are given notice to sort themself out.  However, a 'first offence' of murder, GBH, armed robbery?  No, it doesn't work, does it!  So, logically, the leniency on first offences has to be very carefully considered, and not used as a standard approach at all!

I am therefore disgusted, though not surprised, alas - that for crimes against a defenceless child, Emma Cartwright and Neil Gleaves have not gone to jail.  Still, it was their first offence, so everything's okay with such leniency.  What did they do?

He turned up in hospital with multiple fractures; doctors found that the toddlers right leg had been broken at least two days earlier.  He had fractures to both arms, both legs and his left foot and his left shoulder.  Medical staff deemed they were all deliberate.  So then, which one of these was the first offence, then?  To classify this couple's actions as a first offence is itself fucking criminal!  Further, the pair were conviscted of cruelty to another child who was slapped and shaken.  Still, because Mr Gleaves is "hard working" and because there are no previous convictions against either of the offenders, a suspended sentence is apparently fine.

Fucking, cunting bollocks of a justice system we have, when the people in charge are so out of touch with reality, and the expectations of the public. 

The Recorder in this case was, Simon Ward, at Stoke Crown Court.


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