Saturday 8 March 2014

8.3.14 Saturday News Stuff

Vince Cable

Vince Cable is apparently "intensely relaxed" about immigration.  What an oxymoron for a moron!

Andy Burnham

The Shadow Health Secretary has said that people's homes, not hospitals, should become the 'default setting' for care, as it would let patients end their lives peacefully in their own beds surrounded by relatives.  This sounds scary as hell.  I think he's got the idea, after listening to too many of those TV adverts where everything is allegedly better "in the comfort of your own home".

All Star Family Fortunes

It's hard to create any level of interest let alone excitement for this lame offering from ITV, sandwiched between the two parts of Dancing On Ice.  I suppose hearing Vernon Kay going on about a "Thowe-znd Pone-dz" is rather better than hearing Christine Bleakley/Bleakness sating anything at all.  What marks out ASFF as so awful is the mix of families on the show.  They range from fucking awful to okay.

I was never in my life impressed with Stephen K Amos - who could be?  I did not think it was possible for him to fall any lower in my estimation because he was already bottom of the pile, not just in the "unfunny" list either.  However, his performance on ASFF was simply dire and embarrassing as fucking fuck. Dougie Poynter (another relatively pointless participant in pretty much anything) was able to un-impress me with his choice of charity (WWF) which Vernon helped me out with, explaining it was the World Wildlife Fund (nothing to do with wrestling).  I am sure the global entity was thankful for the chance of some minor donation.  Still, at least it was a charity, even if rather more of a global business than an entity in need of further recognition and support.  A long way from the pathetic basis for the appearance of Steve Redgrave.

He was on the programme to lap up the adulation for being an "Olympic hero", and his charity was simply laughable.  He wanted money for the rowing club in Marlow, which need a new clubhouse or boat house or some such upper class shite.  He had to confirm that "it is a registered charity".  I willed him to lose to Natalie Anderson - and he did, thank God!

Then there was the rabble that made up the "Sinittas" - the first time I've seen a clan referred to via the plural of a first name.  Even more amazing, though, was the fact that this hopeless entourage helped Sinitta win the £30,000 for charity!

Gwyneth Paltrow

A while ago I read some bollocks being promoted by the self-styled lifestyle coach, Gwyneth Paltrow.  It concerned a drink recipe that would cost £50 to make.  The "Warming Winter Detox" was an example of how unrealistic her "efforts" are in trying to dazzle us all with her prowess.  She has no grasp of reality, and her Goop outlet is just a home for silliness.

The latest plug is for Restorsea, a face cream that goes for £50 per jar, but experts claim it is no more effective than everyday moisturiser.  Apparently the key ingredient is a salmon egg enzyme.  The dubious effects are hardly supported with any statistical oomph, as only 40 people were used to get feedback.  Still, if Patrow is peddling it, then that's reason enough to avoid it.

Theresa May

Not much to say, other than to say a rather ineffective woman who rarely impresses at all.

Nick Clegg

What a load of pointless, pathetic people who confuse, block and annoy.


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