Thursday 13 March 2014

13.3.14 Discrimination Is Okay

Discrimination is supposedly illegal, yet there is a lot of it about.  Take for example the fines imposed by schools when children go on holiday during term time.  The fine level is set at £60 per day, PER PARENT.  I assume, therefore, that a single parent will be forced to pay £300 for a 5-day break with one kid, whereas a kid missing school to go away to the same place for the same time with two parents will lead to a fine of £600.  This is quite simply outrageous.

A 'working men's club' has to accept women, but does the Women's Institute?  The 'Race For Life' events are women-only; how is that allowed?  There is supposed to be no discrimination based on sex.

Elsewhere, parents are faced with further issues when trying to secure a place at a local school.  Many of the schools that are of a decent standard are "faith" schools, but the entry criteria and quotas mean that a percentage of places are usually reserved for those who are (or claim to be) religious.  The competition in some areas is therefore absolutely fierce.  If a parent wants his/her kid to get the best possible education and learn maths, English and various other subjects and skills, why the cunting fuck should there be DISCRIMINATION endorsed by the government that allows schools to choose a kid of religious parents over a kid whose parents do not happen to believe in God (in whatever stream of religion) or who choose not to waste Sundays by kneeling and listening to a bloke in a fucking frock?  Religion should have NO place in the equation.  In effect, there is full sanctioning of bias and discrimination, yet this is supposedly an illegal practice.

If I wanted to employ someone, I'd be fucking crucified (forgive the reference) if I said "Christians Only" in the advert!  If I wanted to employ someone, I'd be fucking castigated and prosecuted if I asked for single parents only!

What the fuck?


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