Friday 7 March 2014

7.3.14 Rain, Rain, Fuck Off

This week I read about a chap who now has 16 points on his driving licence, and escaped a ban.  Apparently he needed to drive to take his daughter to school (private school) and so he was let off.  Another bloke who ran a record shop was allowed to keep his licence on the basis that the shop might close if he couldn't drive around and buy old records to sell in the shop.  The leniency shown by magistrates was noticeable, and the hard luck stories that were put forward were successfully received, and the speeding drivers were free to carry on with their lives.

Contrast this with the case of 22-year-old Samuel Lees, who's been given six points on his licence, effectively banning him immediately because any new driver reaching six points has to apply and pass all tests again.  He was also fined £500 and had to pay £90 costs and a £50 'victim surcharge'.  He will also lose his job because he'll not be able to drive the 50 mile round trip each day, so I am sure the UK government will (via the taxpayers' big pot of money) be asked to subsidise him after his livelihood has been taken away.  Where is the leniency in this case then?

What was his crime?  Driving through a puddle and splashing a woman and her kids who were standing on the path.  Okay, annoying as that no doubt was, when it is raining, there will be puddles in the road - especially since this country cannot any longer deal with excessive water, and council cutbacks mean roads are simply in a shit state of repair.  Was he speeding?  No.  Did he purposefully cause as much mayhem as possible?  Apparently not, if we are to believe the driver who said he simply doesn't behave in such a manner, and knew full well there was a policeman car behind him.  Even the woman who got wet thinks the punishment is far too severe.

The sense of proportion in this country is fucking cunting pathetic.  While some people get let off, others are victimised by twats in robes.  £640, loss of licence and the time/costs of starting all over again, while losing your job, when all he did was drive a car in the rain.  If he had slowed or stopped, or swerved out into the oncoming traffic to avoid a puddle, I reckon the coppers would have done him for that!  Coppers commonly spend their time achieving fuck all, and are useless at turning up when you need them.  However, they'll be pompous and waste time on easy targets.  Deal with the cunts displaying antisocial behaviour, intimidating others, getting drunk, stealing from shops and individuals, and generally being cunts in society.  Do not fuck about on such low level, subjective issues that serve no purpose.

So, heavy rain = stay at home and call in sick.  However, if you are driving your daughter to a private school, or you employ people, you'll be fine.


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