Sunday 2 March 2014

2.3.14 The Cunt's Dictionary

Cuntemporary  noun A fashionable cunt.  adjective Cuntish in a modern way.

Cuntraband  noun Illicit goods smuggled inside a cunt.

Cuntstable  noun Member of HM Constabulary who is not very nice.

Cuntusion  noun A bruised cunt.

Cuntender  noun 1 - A cunt on Eastenders.  2 - A cuntish opponent or participant.  3 - A sore, sensitive or injured cunt (derivation = cunt + tender)

Cuntraption  noun Implement or invention for use on or in the vagina.

Cuntinental  noun A cunt from the continent (mainland Europe).  adjective In, from or characteristic of a cunt from mainland Europe.

Cuntemplate  verb 1 - To ponder cuntishly.  2 - To think about a cunt.

Cuntraction  noun The squeezing of the muscles of the vagina.

Cuntact  noun Contact with a cunt.

Cuntented  adjective 1 - Happy with your cunt.  2 - Happy with a cunt.  3 - Happy as a cunt.

Cuntribution  noun Input from a cunt.

Cunterbury Tales, The  noun (proper) Piece of work by a cunt who wrote stuff that's hard to read now.

Cuntort  verb To stretch a cunt.

Cuntain  verb To hold in one's cunt (eg. Cuntraband)

Cuntageous  adjective Spread by a cunt.

Cuntaminated  adjective Infected, especially in the nether regions.

Cuntrified  adjective Resembling a rural cunt.

Cuntstant  noun A permanent cunt.  adjective Like a cunt continuously over a period of time.

Cuntrary  noun A fickle or argumentative cunt.  adjective Inclined to disagree in a cuntish way.

Cuntessa  noun 1 - Wife of a cunt.  2 - A cunt who is married to a Count.

Cuntinue  verb To carry on being a cunt.

Cuntsolation  noun A cunt who (or that) makes you feel better.

Cuntankerous  noun An uppity cunt.

Cunch  noun A big shell in the shape of a cunt.

Cuntdescend  verb 1 - To look down on a cunt.  2 - To go down on a cunt.

Cuntcentric  adjective Resembling a large gathering around a cunt, or people circling a cunt.

Cuntorsion  noun 1 - The act of twisting or deforming a cunt.  2 - The flexibility of a cunt.

Cuntsequence  noun A cuntish outcome.

Cunteloupe  noun A cunt with big melons.

Cuntspicuous  adjective Standing out as a cunt; obviously a cunt.

Discuntent  adjective 1 - Not happy with one's cunt.  2 - Cunting unhappy.  3 - Not a cunt (derivation This + Cunt + Isn't)


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