Thursday 20 March 2014

20.3.14 The Other Blair - Just As Bad

Most commonly it's Tony Blair who is the target for criticism, but this time it's the other one - Cherie.  She is more than capable of being a self-serving person, and together, the Bliars are on course to be the most disliked and dislikeable couple in British history.

Let's just review some of the apparently courageous championing undertaken by Cherie in recent times.  Her pompousness in believing she has any right to go on about anything let alone whether she deserves even the slightest bit of our collective attention will, for the moment, be put aside.  Her lecturing includes:

"We need to think about what we can do to support parents who want to prioritise full-time caring for a period when their children are young."

"We all need to do more as individuals, as employers and as a community to make space for people to make these choices and rejoice in diversity in family life."

Yes, she certainly demands from employers that flexibility is vital, and has maintained that bosses have to set a personal example in adopting family-friendly policies.  It is surprising, therefore, to learn that she has decided to make one of her own part-time staff redundant.  Yes, the sixteen-and-a-half hour week that was being worked by Louise Allain at Cherie's office was (after some sort of re-shuffle) needing to become a full-time role, 9-6pm.  Now, that's not quite showing any fucking family flexibility is it?  Especially after the position was given to Ms Allain purely because it fitted in with child commitments etc.  Practise what you preach, CB!

I note that there are two remaining part-time workers in the office.  I fail to see how an employer who rallies the rest of the country (and world) to be flexible regarding women's employment has the nerve to act this way in her own office, and how the Blairs have the Blair-faced cheek to think their opinions should carry weight.  They are multi-millionaires and so self-serving it makes most normal people cringe, yet this penny-pinching and fucking about on a part-time role is apparently necessary. This must serve as a perfect example of just what the pair of them are like.  Surely this level of selfishness is vile and disgusting?

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

NB: There is NOT a typo in the second sentence of his post.


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