Sunday 6 November 2011

6.11.11 Exchanges (No.2)

Scene One
Post Office.  TMWSC is buying stamps.  Mrs MWSC is away for a while.  Mrs W (the elderly owner of the Post Office) is service, and chatting as usual.

Mrs W: "Are you all right?"
TMWSC: "Yes, thank you, Mrs W"
Mrs W: "I hear you're now a bachelor, gay"
TMWSC: "Well, that's rather a quaint way of putting it, Mrs W, and not quite what I'd have said, but I know what you mean.  Yes, I'm on my own for a while."

Scene Two
Doorway of the house, as TMWSC opens the door and is about to take delivery of a parcel from a chap in a high visibility vest.

TMWSC: "Ah, that'll be for Jess"  [Reaching to take the parcel being offered]
Delivery Man: "What's your initial, Mr MWSC"  [Proper name given]
TMWSC: "N.  How do you know my name?"  [With a puzzled look]
Delivery Man: "Because you live here!"

That told me!

Scene Three
Checkout at Morrisons, having just entered credit card details to pay for the shopping.

Till Operator: "Are you collecting the £40 Shop receipts?"  [Expecting a 'Yes' from me]
TMWSC: "No, thanks"  [Stopping the till operator in her tracks, as she prepared to hand over some sort of information on collecting receipts]
Till Operator: "No?"  [After a slight pause while she tried to comprehend my lack of interest]
Till Operator: "You save the receipts if you spend over £40, and get £25 off.  [She was clearly perplexed]  Don't you come in every week?"

I left with my shopping, as a bewildered till operator made no further comment.  I suspected no one had turned her down before.


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