Friday 4 November 2011

4.11.11 The Mars People

No, I am not talking about Martians.  The people from Mars are nameless individuals (in marketing) who decided to invent some sort of weird surveillance facility within the organisation, on the lookout for things to do.  How do I know this?  It's because I've seen the advert, of course - and you might have too.

"It was slow going.  Then the Mars People heard about it."

This, from the narrator/voice-over bloke, on the advert showing a local community building a changing room and club house, for the local football team.  How fucking twee!  Yes, all was not well, but then The Mars People stepped into the breach and moved things along nicely.  Yeah, right - bollocks.  They decided to make a TV advert, and so they threw a few quid at a tiny project, and used it as the theme for the advert.  Have the Mars People heard about the road works in the High Street, or the lack of parking facilities for the Arc in Stockton?  Do they carry binoculars?  Can we alert them to society's needs?

What will the Mars People hear of next, I wonder, and what will nudge them into action again?  Who knows.  I'd be happier if they concentrated on correcting the recipe for the Mars Bar.  The Mars People should sop sticking their noses into things that don't concern them, and actually produce a Mars Bar that's edible.  The reduced fat (health option - ha!) version now produced is horrible, and at odds with the slogan "Less fat, same great taste" that accompanied the change after the nanny state, the EU fuckers and Mars all conspired to fuck up the product.


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