Sunday 4 September 2011

4.9.11 Hasselhoff

No, not the ex-BGT judge and all round rather dozy and generally pointless 'Hoff', as in the male one.  I am talking about the other double-barrelled one.  Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff, her of Big Brother "Fame" - ha!  What a pointless individual.  But that's not the thrust of this post.  What's more concerning is the use of the name.  It seems to me that after a divorce five years ago, use of the Hasselhoff name is strange if the bloke himself is not up to much in her opinion.  Pamela Weissenbach is in effect 'trading on the Hasselhoff name' because without that element, no one interested in 'Big Brother' would have a clue about her.  I think that a divorce should include the name as well; it wouldn't surprise me if 'Image Rights' actually featured in future divorce cases.

I have steadfastly refused to watch Big Brother, but one cannot help seeing the odd story in the newspapers about the pathetic goings on.  Apparently, Pamela has said she wasn't stimulated enough in the house.  She claimed that there was very little banter and no one quizzed her much about her life and her marriage to David Hasselhoff.  It's because no one is fucking interested, luv - they don't cuntin' care!  Get a life, and stop peddling shitty leftovers from a past relationship that was the only reason you got the gig in the first place.

NB: There are others whose use of names seems to suit quite nicely.  Peaches rather  likes being a Geldof, and Bianca Gascoigne trades nicely on her surname as well.  I remember Julia Carling was happy to ditch the love-rat Will, but not his surname because it was rather handy to promote her own cause and career.  Cheryl Tweedy became Cole, but did not revert to Tweedy when she split from Ashley (I think because Cole sounds better).  Now that she's back with him, that's a moot point, although is it her attempt of clinging to some recognition and fame after her own efforts at doing anything useful have failed, I wonder.  Sally Bercow will no doubt keep the surname that she's been trading on for a while now, once her divorce comes through.  The split is inevitable, considering she's wayward / mad / awful / a liability - too much hassle, actually!


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