Sunday 4 September 2011

4.9.11 Guetta Life

There's an advert on TV (i-Player, but what's the difference) for the latest album by David Guetta featuring a song called "Where Them Girls At".  I know that the grammar in song lyrics can sometimes be slightly questionable, but usually the extent of rebellion has been limited to double negatives (eg. I can't get no satisfaction).  This effort, though - 'Where Them Girls At' - is an absolute disgrace, and that's not including the missing question mark!

On Facebook last week I saw an entry of: "I fort is was summit new lol."  You carry on finking, luv.

Still, Radio 4 is hardly any better for permitting reports that include:
"We're not building nowhere near as many house as we need to." 
"The river contains a lot of eel" [ The plural of eel is eels ]
"The bullets started firing" [ No, people fire guns; bullets do not fire ]

All I can say is "Who cunt done sayin' shit wiv nuffin propper, like" 


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