Tuesday 9 August 2011

9.8.11 Riots

It is really quite simple.  Engage in rioting, arson, looting, intimidation, violence and risk being shot. 

There is no place in the UK for cunts who want to wreck everything, create massive damage and suffering, and stick two fingers up at society with a smug smirk.  In the world of TMWSC, the answer would be simple.  Police, Army, water, rubber bullets, and zero tolerance.  More police on the streets is of some use, but such a promise from politicians is not worth a lot if those extra police officers stand in a line with shields, and watch as yobs torch cars and buildings.  Get the marksmen out and shoot the cunts.  A bullet in the thigh might just slow a thug down!  Unfortunately, the Human Rights legislation and a general scared-as-fuck-to-sort-it attitude mean that the damage will be many many millions of pounds while we are all supposed to be interested in why it all happened and debate deprivation and poverty.

On the radio today, useless arseholes were trying to explain/justify/excuse the behaviour of thugs and looters.  Sorry, but whatever social difficulties may exist, it's intolerable to see criminals running wild.  Social deprivation does not means it's acceptible to riot. 

So, as I said, let's stop fucking about.  Zero tolerance is the right course of action.  Action is needed.  Shoot the cunts.  Period.


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