Saturday 27 August 2011

27.8.11 Technology

"Technology" is a word that is bandied about rather freely these days.  It has taken over from the ubiquitous "System", which apparently applies to everything now.  A pack of 36 plastic clothes pegs from the pound shop is actually a "clothes airing system" in the eyes of some cunt in marketing.

I was watching TV this week when an advert came on for deodorant.  Apparently deodorants are gender specific now, and men only feel comfortable enough to look after themselves if the word "men" or the word "man" is used in the product's name.  So, welcome to the new offer from Dove -

Dove Men+Care

"Combines 48-hour protection with our 1/4 moisturising technology"

First, what does the 'plus sign' indicate?  Is it supposed to make us feel positive rather than negative?  Is it a general '+' or has the company decided to add men to the concept of caring?

Second, I have already posted about the issues I have with advertisers extolling the virtues of a deodorant supposedly lasting more than 24 hours.  I restate my case; that only a dirty cunt would avoid washing and rely on a deodorant for 48 hours (or 72 hours, as one such product claims to last).

Third, I dispute the use of the word "technology".  After a night drinking, my blood probably contains 1/4 fucking alcohol, but that's not "technology" is it! 


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