Monday 20 December 2010

20.12.10 Moving Forward

The words "moving forward" are quite simply pathetic.  They add nothing of any value to anything, yet seem to find their way into everyday speech more and more - especially in the media and in business and politics.

"Moving forward" is included at every opportunity by those who seek to divert our attention from some unholy cock-up for which they are responsible.  By uttering "moving forward", the speaker is in effect daring us to be useless backward-thinking idiots by harking on about old issues.  The speaker is saying "I'm forward looking and progressive, and if you don't join me in looking forward and being positive, you're basically a moaning shit who wants to drag us all backwards".  So, "moving forward" is a blocker to holding people to account.  That's the intention anyway. 

The reality is the words mean fuck all, and it's hardly possible to utter "moving backwards", is it?  People who say "moving forwards" usually have something they don't want you to go on about which highlights their inadequacy, failure, lack of ability or ignorance.  Often it's code for "let's sweep everything under the carpet, and look at what I now want to concentrate on".

Beware twats uttering "moving forward" - they're never up to much.


PS: Just to confirm this last point, it's a sad fact that on signs approaching Middlesbrough, a new slogan is being used, to the amusement of me and probably many others.  They now read - you've guessed it -

Moving Forward

Well, Middlesbrough's not up to much either!


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