Saturday 11 May 2013

10.5.13 FUCKED UP UK

Yes, it's very clear that the UK is completely fucked up.  A quick review of recent news, and a double-check with today's papers provides enough examples for there to be no doubt whatsoever that this country is screwed, that its people are in many cased either screwed or screwed up, and that institutions are buggered. Just scroll down through these depressing stories that underline the loss of goodness in society.  Whilst there are of course some good things to applaud, the sea of shit that's engulfing the country shows a decline that's hard not to acknowledge.

  • Amazingly it is now possible to get 'Legal Highs' from Amazon. These are of course the dangerous substances that are only legal because legislation can't keep up and make them illegal quickly enough.
  • The Police forces in the UK are inept, unreliable, unable to properly prioritise actions and guilty of turning a blind eye when it suits them.  We end up with mad extremes; a child is told by policemen to wash away hopscotch boxes chalked on a road because she's guilty of criminal damage, but a massive probe into the Police (by the Police) as to why nothing was ever done about Jimmy Savile has resulted in there being nothing to suggest anything done wrong.  Fucking amazing!
  • The Police will of course fine you for speeding, but never catch anyone who damages your car or steals from your home.  They will arrest you for tweeting someone is a cunt, but won't tackle real criminals.
  • The people of the UK were promised a referendum on EU membership, but were denied one by the government.  What a great way to highlight what fuckers those in power are.  Only with recent UKIP popularity is there half-hearted effort to suggest (via more wriggling) that we might be happy to allow some negotiation steps leading to reform instead of having any opinion.
  • The Police have spent over £150,000 on investigating 'plebgate' and of course have had to stump up millions watching Julian Assange. Then there's the enormous mess related to phone hacking, which they knew about many years ago but chose to ignore.  We pretend in the UK that there is no corruption, and are so very critical of other countries where corruption is rife.  I rather think we need to get our own house in order.  Whatever happened to zero tolerance, and doing the right things?
  • Miliband should by deed poll change his name to 'Milibland' because he is the most boring, irrelevant and ineffective waste of space one could imagine as a challenger to the government.  As for Ed Balls, I think 'Bollox' would be more appropriate, based on the content of his rhetoric.
  • The government could not deport Qatada despite pathetic efforts over many years, and it's complete embarrassment that he may well now be leaving after offering to do so.  Talk about fucked up.  The real problem is the European Convention, and the so-called 'human rights' arguments that give our fucked up twats who wear wigs and red gowns the chance to meddle and fuck over the government and UK citizens with technical arguments and excuses as to why we have to keep him here.  They are quite simply jobsworths of the highest order.  In France, by the way, undesirables are deported, and their appeals are heard afterwards, to see if they'll be allowed back in.  The last time I checked, France was also in the EU and bound by legislation.  The UK is screwed up, though.
  • Chris Huhne - some might say, on top of being a liar and a cheat, that he is self-serving and will be out of prison very shortly [is it a quarter of your sentence now, if you behave well?] to annoy, and demonstrate that there's one rule for the rich and another for everyone else.
  • The Health Service is fucked, as we all know, because we seem obliged to allow anyone from around the world to use its services and resources, whilst there are cuts being made left, right and centre.  Then there's the alleged extra workload created by GPs doing so much less than in the old days.  Well, Labour fucked up the GP's contracts and gave them loads of money for working hours that suited them.  The 111 helpline is fucked - surprise surprise.
  • Tony Martin has been burgled, not for the first time, and despite catching the theif, decided he had to let him go.  Taking no action in such circumstances was the only option for him, because last time he was arrested.  In the USA, if you are burgled and shoot the offender, you're not only within your rights, you're applauded.  He served 3 years for manslaughter, although was originally jailed for 9 years for murder.  The two burglars posed a threat but he was punished.  This week he allowed the thief to escape because he did not want to tackle him after his last experience.  Fucking Police always side with the offender, as do the courts.
  • Just to highlight the above point, a 'joyrider' who died after a Police gave chase was arguably at fault.  The driver, aged 22, refused to stop.  He was driving without lights on in a stolen car.  It is quite obvious that his family will have been devastated, and that his seven year old son has lost his dad.  But can someone explain to me why £20,000 has been awarded in settlement of a case brought against the Police by the family?  Despite the Police who chased the stolen car not being 'trained' to do so and not 'standing down' when asked to do so by senior officers, they were nonetheless doing their job - enforcing the law.  More madness.
  • It will come as no surprise at all that there's an alleged cover-up in the church!  Yes, Apparently the Very Reverend Robert Waddington (who died in 2007) was accused of abuse, and now Lord Hope is embroiled in a scandal.  He claims church rules did not require him to report matters to the Police.  Oh, so a 13-year-old sleeping in a cleric's bed and being subjected to years of abuse was something to be kept secret?  These are the fucking people who have the audacity/nerve/front to lecture us on morals, religion, love they fucking neighbour!  Hypocritical cunts - period.  Whatever 'Very Reverent' means, he was hardly a very good example of humanity. There is someone called Butler (who is a 'Right Reverent') who's head of the Churches National Safeguarding Committee (what?) and he has offered a statement: "As a church we will always apologise for past systems that let down the vulnerable and offer support to anyone whose life has been affected."  Excuse me - who the fuck would want support from these institutions who are at fault?  As so apologising later, bollocks.
  • Meanwhile, there are numerous examples of so-called experts and social workers in positions of power whose accusations of abuse have left families wrecked.  Children have suffered and parents have been branded as abusers on evidence that's dubious as hell.  I have read a number of accounts where kids have been put into care on the flimsiest of evidence, and it's taken years for the parents to get their kids back - if indeed that has even happened.  This is the other extreme from those who've been in the clutches of 'the church' and a dodgy block in a dress or cassock.  On the word (opinion) of an 'expert', lives are wrecked, and there's never any come-back on the CIC.
  • Nick Clegg is a complete waste of space.
  • Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, William Roache, Michael Le Vell, Jim Davidson, Rolf Harris, Freddie Starr, Dave Lee Travis, numerous church figures and non-celebrities.  The whole subject seems to dominate the news.  There are surely people being tarred with a shared brush (?) here, and it's impossible to know what to think anymore.  Most probably some will be guilty, some will be innocent, but there is no doubt a lot of 'grey'.  However, I reckon that everyone ever mention, especially linked to the Operation Yew Tree efforts, will never escape the stigma of being embroiled, even if they've done nothing.  
  • Cara Delevingne drops a small packet of white power and now the whole country knows about it.  Hmmmm - far be it from me to comment on the nature of the substance, but I suspect the 'role model' attributes of this highly overpaid 20-year-old are not going to be challenged even though there's every reason to do so.  Everyone keeps quite, as though there's a universal acceptance that this is all normal.  It's this aspect that's distasteful and shows endorsement of all that's wrong.
  • Every week there's a new revelation regarding how Police officers are suing and getting payouts.  Apart from trying to catch me doing 50mph in a 40mph zone, I don't think they generally have any positive impact on my life, and they certainly don't do any more than go through the motions when there's something more serious to look into.
  • Care workers in the UK are expected to work in tough conditions for not much money.  It takes a special sort of person to deal with the job.  In any walk of life, there are those who do not fit.  The latest is Fiona Salmon who pinched, manhandled, slapped and punched residents at a nursing home.  Causing nosebleeds, verbally abusing them and even sitting on them [she weights 28 stone] are further 'skills' she put into practice.  What a sad day for all other care workers when someone like this is exposed.  What compounds my annoyance is the further input in the courtroom.  The judge said it was "extremely unlikely that she would ever be a care worker again".  Excuse me!  NEVER is what it should be, NOT anything with the word 'unlikely' in it!  What about a lifelong ban?  As for the woman defending Fiona Salmon in court, it seems the excuse given for the abuse was that: "She had become tired working nights and was also at the time in a bad relationship."  Ha!  What shite. Finally, the sentence was nine months.  That means nine weeks, considering that many offenders now serve just a quarter of their sentence.
  • David Moyes gets death threats from supposed 'football fans'.  How sad when someone shows loyalty and commitment (rare in the fucked-up world of football) to a side for over a decade and gets rewarded with a top job.  We should applaud Manchester United for the appointment, and for avoiding a high profile foreign manager arriving with an entourage, to last a year or two at most.
  • Barbara Hewson suggests lowering the age of consent, and has the nerve to expect us not to be outraged by Stuart Hall's behaviour.  Her own behaviour is reprehensible!  She comes out of this even worse than the dappy Helen Flanagan who says we ought to show respect to an old man!
  • Two fifteen-year-old cunts rob and kill an 85-year-old partially-sighted woman.  After the attack, Paula Castle was in hospital for a day, fighting for life, while the pair were again attacking old and disabled people.  As Paula Castle died of head injuries, Rose Mohamed had her bag containing £120 stolen.  With no remorse and a history of crime, the pair were sentenced to six years.  As already mentioned, that will probably mean an earlier release, with them serving 2 years.  It is preposterous to call this justice.
What a fucking mess.

[CIC = Cunts In Charge]


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