Friday 15 June 2012

15.6.12 Speeding

It seems there are no lengths to which the government won't go to raise money, nor is there any limit to the number of times concerns over 'safety' can be used to justify money-grabbing measures.  Driving fines are being raised - not by any small amount either.  Considering the country is on its knees, wage increases are either exceedingly low or non-existent, and many have in fact lost their jobs, the fines for motorists will be rising by 50%.  That's right, fifty fucking per cent!

£60 is apparently not enough for speeding, and fines for fixed penalty offences will soon be £90 instead.  What's laughable is the input from the Road Safety Minister, Mike Penning, who said:

"We need to make sure penalties are set at reasonable levels, consistent with the potentially severe consequences of some infringements."

What complete and utter cunting bullshit!  It's simply increasing motoring costs, as if fuel and insurance don't cost enough.  I suspect that non-endorsable offences (such as having a broken light - now a £45 fine) will suddenly become more prevalent, as cops see easy ways to bring in more money.  As for the speeding, well I am struggling to see how doing 45mph on a duel carriageway all of a sudden demands a £90 fine instead of £60 because its seriousness has grown overnight by 50%.


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