Monday 30 January 2012

30.1.12 Bishop Pricks in Bishoprics

Bishoprics in the Church of England seem to be in many cases very well named, considering the fact that it is often pricks who take the role of Bishop.  As with any organisation, there's a certain level of infighting, ambition and egotism in the church.  None of this would be of too much concern to the masses (forgive the pun) who these days don't give a fuck about attending church.  Rowan Williams (the loony left's biggest ally) leads the church with a weird but certainly not wonderful 'flair' that marks (pun intended) him out as a Marxist.  He dabbles in politics and pisses people off - excellent credentials, you might think, for one in charge of the Anglican Church!  Telling him and his bishops to piss off would be a whole lot easier if there was not an atrocious anomaly - there are bishops in the House of Lords, and these twats vote on matters with a 'slant' that means they support their leader's gauche views.

There is no place for pricks in politics, but we do unfortunately have very many in both houses.  However, those that do get involved in running the country are mostly elected, and in other cases have a 'rounded view' of the world.  Unfortunately the same cannot be said of bishops.  I have no idea what the collective noun is for a 'group' of bishops - a gaggle, a troupe, or perhaps an abuse ???  Whatever it is (and I really favour the last option) this abuse of bishops in the Lords should be ousted; I think you can now get a spray called that.  They have no place in blocking government legislation.


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