Sunday 15 January 2012

15.1.12 Dancing On Ice - Wk2

Well, during two hours, ITV churned out another dose of DOI (it's so tempting to use DOA instead, don't you think?) and I endured it doggedly, having dealt with the first offering last week.  This time, we all wasted those two hours of our lives (plus the half-hour results bit) to see the woman from Eastenders (Laila) removed from the line up - something that could have and should have been done before any blade ever touched any fucking ice!

The whole programme was pointless, because the result was so clearly obvious.  I say this, but there was always the ludicrous possibility that viewers of Eastenders would show the intellect of a market stall potato and vote for her, a woman who needed an armchair so she could be pushed around the ice.  Her injury was irrelevant.

I hear that in some quarters, there is dissatisfaction with Katarina Witt and her questionable diction.  I must say that I don't myself struggle to understand what she's saying.  I assume that any with a dislike of the 'German' accent are equally upset by the contributions of Louie Spence with his unusual delivery, and of course "Bleakness Personified".  These two surely have greater claim on causing difficulties for listeners than the Witt woman - someone who can claim to have actual skated before!

So, let's recap on the show, via Tony Gubba's top ten best skating terms included in his commentary:

Wizzard of Oz Kick Sequence
Toe Jump-around
Grand National Lifts
Scorpion Kiss
Tortilla Wrap
Mirrored Teapots
Threading The Needle Lift
Wild Thing Swing
Wrist Ripper
Falling Leaves

Desperation On Ice returns next Sunday


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