Tuesday 29 October 2013

29.10.13 Aghast At Gaga

I am struggling to understand the argument following the complaints about Lady Gaga on Sunday's X-Factor show.  The level of 'outrage' has been logged, apparently, at around 200.  This is the number of complaints made to the combined forces of ITV and Ofcom, on approximately a one-third / two-thirds split. Ofcom is said to being considering whether to launch a full scale investigation. Obviously thus far its efforts have been little more than the provision of a logging facility for people who love to complain.

The real issues here are not just about the style of the performance before the 9.00pm watershed, and the consequent moral corruption of children.  We all know that the little blighters are all sweetness and light, sugar and spice, and so sheltered that a writhing cunt will decimate them and fuck them up for life.  I am of course being sarcastic, and most youngsters watching the 'performance' will have seen far worse in just about every walk of life.  If they are in fact so young that they've not been exposed to worse, then they are of an age where the parents shouldn't be either surprised, or letting their offspring watch in the first place.

Let's be clear here; Lady Gaga is a fruitcake who craves attention, acts strangely and purposefully controversially, and loves nudity.  As a parent of a youngster likely to be corrupted and sent gaga by Gaga, what the fuck led you to allow any viewing of the five-minute section?

The stats suggest that 200 or so people have registered their annoyance, from a viewing pool of around 10.3 million.  Hmmm . . . "democracy rules" is a slogan that no longer applies, I fear.  So, 0.002% of the viewers have complained.  Should we give a fuck?  No.  The near-nudity, the song lyrics and the airing of it before the watershed were all possible reasons for a certain element within the UK population to grab phones and complain rather than vote - that's right, I suspect none of the complainers are voters.  It is of course true that Gaga is hardly the ideal person to entertain youngsters.  HOWEVER, the most appalling part of the whole shebang is the misguided line of attack, and the weakened reasoning behind complaints.  Let's be clear on this.

The main reason that the complaints should have been made, and the one reason that would lead to the complaints being upheld, is that Lady Gaga was quite simply fucking shit!  Fuck the watershed moaning, fuck to near nudity, and fuck the shit and demeaning lyrical content.  Instead, let's just agree to take a broad view and evaluate the whole performance.  It was simply diabolical.  The wailing that got the mess started was followed by some tired pop and some wriggling in time to a regurgitated beat.  Pretentious?  Too Cuntin Right!

[PS: There is just one thing slightly in her favour - the Archbishop of Canterbury does somehow manage to make her look almost sane.]


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