Sunday 20 October 2013

20.10.13 Channel of the Year My Arse

Let's look at the evidence, and then decide whether ITV in any way qualifies for nomination as 'Channel of the Year' let alone being worthy as the supposed winner of this lame accolade.  The television schedule for Sunday makes for awful reading, and provides no more than a smattering of programmes which are not in fact repeats.  There are nine of them, as follows:


Ade In Britain - 55 minutes of yawn factor to kick off the morning.
Columbo - don't get me wrong, it's classic; but 2 hours of padding
X-Factor - 125 minutes; yesterday's programme again
Fool Britannia - 30 minutes of another repeat from yesterday
All Star Family Fortunes - 60 minutes and it cannot get worse
Downton Abbey - 60 minutes with last week's offering repeated
You've Been Framed - 25 mins of repeated clips - dire and tired
Women Behind Bars - 60 mins; another showing of Trevor McDonald's programme just a week or two after it was first aired!  Pathetic, ITV.
The Cube - 55 minutes of repeat; it did get worse

This amounts to 10 hours of regurgitated stuff!  The truth is quite simple; all of the above is complete bollocks, leaving Sunday's on ITV a bleak place to be, and the only reason for the channel's existence is the showing of two programmes.  Yes, X-Factor - The Results followed by Downton Abbey are the only two non-repeated offerings that count. The rest of the day is SHIT.  How, then, does ITV have the cunting nerve to put "Channel of the Year" next to its crappy logo?


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