Monday 21 October 2013

21.10.13 The UK is Fucked - Here's the Proof

I was looking at the news and was astounded to see a photograph of a site in Marseille that has just been vacated by 90 Roma families (just before the police were set to move in).  During the night, the hoards of travellers apparently disappeared into thin air, leaving behind them a mess.

This rather proves that there is/was an equivalent in France of the 'Dale Farm' site in the United Kingdom. What a complete fucking mess, and an insult to everyone who pays taxes and lives according to the laws of the land - and the laws of decency.

Then I read a story that highlights how a load of travellers from France have camped out in the car park of a Welsh hospital, meaning that staff are unable to function.  Perhaps the travellers have left Marseille are arrived in Cardiff. Allegedly there's been some sort of comment that means an expectation they'll move on in a few days.  But move on to where?  This country is the target for thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants, as is the target of thousands upon thousands of EU citizens who will shortly (if they haven't already) be legally bombarding this country.  With the travellers for Europe adding to the complete mess, and the travellers already here, is there any possible way maters could get worse?

'Yes' is the answer to that question.  On top of all the various factions that would sink the UK completely if left unchecked [and will certainly do so seeing as we check fuck all, do fuck all to protect the country, and do fuck all once we've been fucked] there are the useless cunts that already inhabit the UK, and have the cunting nerve to believe they are 'entitled'.  Cunting disgrace! There are literally thousands upon thousands of lazy cunts who seem to think that they are entitled to do fuck all with no comeback while receiving money for their trouble in breathing.

One example has coincidentally landed today, in news items alongside the stories about travellers, here and in France.  I refer to the horrendous example of humanity displayed by Heather Frost.

This is the family that was expecting a £500,000 house, but has been denied such after the story leaked and the furore led to the council rethinking its policy. Nevertheless, the housing provision already in place is nothing short of ludicrous.  But the worse aspect of today's story is not the regurgitated and appalling details of how this sponging waste-of-space clan milks the system and revels in the absurdity of the UK's tax and benefits arrangements, but the utter cuntism displayed in a recent airing on Channel 5 of a programme called: "On Benefits and Proud".  This has shown just how deplorable things can be.

In the programme the twat boasts how she enlists the help of local shoplifters. Her grounds for being a cunt seem to revolve around an apparent right to expect cheap goods. "Everybody has to get stuff off shoplifters, don't they; wouldn't have enough to live on otherwise."  The Aladdin's Cave of knocked-ff goods was on view, and the survival of her and eleven fucking kids obviously depend on, amongst other things, air fresheners!

Here's another choice quote: "I'd be lost without my shoplifters because they bring all my washing powder. They do it for half the price of what the shop does."  What a disillusioned cunt.  If you are reading this and not getting annoyed, you are not human.  The eleven kids will grow up with no morals, and will (apart from fueling crime) ensure they are a drain on the state, and that the virus spreads.  The eldest two (19 and 21) are of course on benefits, leading the way by example.

What will happen next?  Well, fuck all of any significance or relevance.  The police have issued a (pointless) caution and investigations are apparently being undertaken.  BUT, we all know that there will be no jail sentence for receiving stolen goods, despite the 100% proof of this.  There 'mother' will escape confinement to 'care for' her rats.  There will be a paltry fine that will be paid at 20p per week out of the taxpayers' money.  As I have said many times before, no one on benefits should be fined, as it's the states money coming back to the state at the lowest and slowest level possible (assuming no default, and that's a mad assumption.)  Community service will be an impossibility, as the 'mother' has responsibilities that deny her time to do anything useful.  What's the result?  Fuck all.  The UK is completely fucking fucked.

Meanwhile, in Lancashire, villagers have clubbed together to pay the £100,000 costs to evict travellers who are blighting the picturesque village.  The European Courts have endorsed a decision to evict the travellers, who have until 3rd January (why so fucking long?) to piss off.  I rather suspect that the pointless escalation of legal action brought about by the travellers was at the taxpayers' expense and certainly not from the profits of living a tax-free and sponging life!

So, it's not just the immigrants, legal or illegal, who threaten society, finances, resources and space, but the useless home-grown shits who breathe and waste oxygen.  Until such time as there is any leadership, or a government with ball, then we are all doomed.  It's a shame that the worse elements in society are the ones that breed the quickest and most vehemently.


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