Wednesday 23 January 2013

23.1.13 Illiteracy

Radio Knob / Nob

On the radio today, a twat talking about diets and food intake was waffling (great pun, eh?) about the size of portions, and generally being a know-it-all.  Sadly he couldn't speak the language correctly though.  He talked about the amount of calories and I wished I could top up his intake with a lean fist.

The AMOUNT of food, and the NUMBER of calories!  You wouldn't say "the number of food", so why say "the amount of calories" then?  I switched stations.

To The Rescue

Two chaps from Dundee were apparently saved by the RNLI.  In a tribute, and to record the episode, they both had a tattoo done.

I am pleased for them that they were plucked from icy water and lived to tell the tale.  However, I'd be rather more impressed with their tattoo if they hadn't both failed to request the 'full stop' after the last letter of the abbreviation.  The tattoo should quite clearly have followed a single convention, with RNLI (no punctuation/registering of abbreviation) or R.N.L.I. (to give proper recognition, letter by letter).  Luckily for them, there is space enough to put things right, grammatically.  Sadly, the shit about 'jelly tots' is there to stay!

Size of the Job

Would you ask for a quote from (let alone get any work done by) a small company with a sign-written van, exclaiming:

"No Job To Small"

Nor would I.


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