Thursday 17 January 2013

17.1.13 Embarrassing Fat Bodies

I watched this overly long programme on Channel 4 yesterday, and was amazed at the state some people get into.  By far and away the most gruesome case was that of Patience, who was certainly well name because you'd need patience to deal with her.  At 36 stone, she was huge, and maintained this size through here rigorous adherence to a regime that involved doing nothing except watching TV and eating.  Her four-and-a-half stone hernia was complemented [I use this word with a touch of sarcasm] by a further massive bulge below the hernia, caused by growth in fat cells to in effect be a benign tumour.  She never stands for more than 10 minutes, and has had three gastric balloons that have not been effective.

The effort now needed to deal with her is phenomenal.  A team of carers and medical staff will have to treat her, and before any attempt at surgery, she'll be on a strict diet and in hospital on 'lock down' for three months.  I am disgusted that one person can demand so much attention.  Yes it is sad that she's in this condition, but years of watching TV and eating excessively should not be my problem.  I rather thought my taxes might be spent more wisely.  As the 36-stone blancmange spoke to Dr Christian, he explained she'd be on soup and shakes for three months before any other steps could be considered.  He gave her a sample shake, which included some ice, as he left the room.  Patience tried it, and mumbled to the camera: "I don't like the milk."  Unbe-fuckin-lievable!

Elsewhere, on multiple occasions, we saw a 33-stone woman drop to 27-stone over six months.  The flicking around and recapping that's involved in watching most Channel 4 programmes of this type is quite frankly annoying as fuck.  The four clips of this particular fatty included the initial 'setting the scene' segment where she was asked by the Doctor to "pop on to the scales".  Sorry, if you're 33-stone, you do not 'pop' anywhere!  At least this woman managed to take seriously the task of losing weight, and so redirected the seriousness and dedication that was previously directed at eating bucket loads of crisps and spending all of her time in a chair, including being on an office chair with wheels, when in the kitchen.

The one called Petra has spots and lesions, particularly on the inside of her thighs, causing pain and major soreness.  According to the voice over, "Petra's tried a rash of remedies."  Is that bad taste or what!

A nice chap who'd lost a lot of weight - I can't even remember how much, but it could have been 15 to 25 stone - was left with rolls of skin that he wanted to get rid of.  So I watched as it was all cut away; I think it weighed over a stone.

As ever, Channel 4 managed to show about five people receiving attention, but split it up into 20 to 25 sections, darting from one story to another.  The programme should not be called Embarrassing Fat Bodies because the people can hardly be said to be embarrassed; they've been fat as fuck for fucking ages and have managed to do little else but top up the fat by eating more and moving even less.  In my world, the programme would be renamed Fat Fuckers, or Fucking Fat Fuckers.


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