Sunday 9 June 2013

9.6.13 The Voice Sucks

I am pleased to be able to say that I have avoided all bar about ten minutes in total of The Voice, grabbed in  two or three parts during ITV advert breaks a few weeks ago.  This excellent news means I am untainted by the goings on of the four judges, as well as the pointless efforts to get me interested in various 'battles', following chair-spinning non-events.

The main thing I've gleaned from The Voice is that it was unable to recognise Alice Fredenham as a singer with an excellent voice.  I would say that the ability to recognise a good voice is actually rather a key component for The (Fucking) Voice, wouldn't you?  Admittedly she messed up a bit on the Semi Final appearance during Britain's Got Talent, but only an idiot would argue that she hasn't got a fantastic voice.

Then we get to the rubbish spouted by the judges on The Voice.  The main culprit for talking shit is, surprisingly, NOT  Instead, the nobbishness has come from Danny, who seems to let his mouth run away with him.  In a recent appearance on Chatty Man, he managed the following quote:

"The Voice is like the Olympics of singing."

Yes, you're correct; that was indeed a complete load of bollocks.  What possesses him to harbour such a thought is beyond comprehension for anyone with active brain cells.  Laughable, and the only thing more stupid than this quote is his gurning during the programmes.

Meanwhile, Tom Jones just likes being Tom Jones, and offers very little by way of help, entertainment or charisma.  It seems he's not even listened to the album created by last year's winner, his own "act" (I refuse to use the term 'artist') Leanne Mitchell.  That shows a level of interest akin to my own interest in Sheep Farming in Barnet (both in the literal sense and in relation to Toyah's second single and similarly titled EP that was subsequently added to and released as the debut album).  Tom's attention probably did not extend to noting the album reaching 134th in the charts.  Selling fewer than 1000 was certainly not what one would expect of a winner of The Voice.

Will.he.won't.he is quite simply a fruit case and there's little point in highlighting this with examples of weirdness.  As for Jessie J, she is rather too full of herself these days.  I suppose considering yourself to be wonderful is not rare in the modern world of music and entertainment.  There is, though, a danger that she grates and is a bit too full on.

The Voice is apparently close to its conclusion, and I have yet to hear that Danny has managed to form a relationship with anyone from the show.  Maybe the gurning has detracted from his looks(?)


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