Monday 3 June 2013

3.6.13 Contactless Crisis

On 21st January I had just cause to complain via this blog about the replacement card forced on me by my bank - a contactless version of what I'd had for many years (without issue) in a 'contact' variety.  I'd always rather liked the fact that when I wanted to spend money, I had to do something rather than just loiter like some sort of lazy cunt who cannot manage a 4-digit PIN.  Now we have ended up in a situation where my money is less safe than any number of other aspects of my life where I need a PIN to proceed.

Now I see in the paper an exact account of how fraudsters are having a field day by scamming millions of cardholders who can do little about it.  I challenged the bank call centre worker but had to give up because the one version of the truth that she was able to spout involved stating a number of times that there is no evidence that thieves are targeting contactless cards, and that all money taken as a result of disputed transactions would be reimbursed.

I failed then (and do so now) to believe on the first point that anyone could be so fucking blinkered and stupid, and on the second point, that blood out of a stone would pour forth rather more quickly than my bank would give me £60 back because I said I did nothing.

I can absolutely guarantee you that any thieves who are technologically aware will not be bothering anymore with cash point machines.  No, the easy pickings are everywhere now, in all of our pockets.  The millions of cards issues with the ability to let money be taken from your account are going to give fraudsters an easy ride for a while.  Yes, the amount is typically limited to £20 per transaction, and occasionally you may indeed need to verify a transaction with the 'old fashioned' pin - that's right, the fucking one that stops people standing next to you scanning and scamming up to £20 while you daydream.

Believe the picture above, because it is as easy as this for someone to fleece you of a small amount of money - and you'll quite probably never ever notice. Would you spot a transaction on your statement (if you check it) showing £14.95 being paid out as a mistake.  Would you then have confidence to challenge the bank.  You'd of course have to prove to the bank just why you did not actually authorise or want that much to be taken from your account.  There will be battles all over the place.  A fucking disaster waiting to happen.

I have obtained for myself a small 'Secrid' wallet which has a metal case within it - no cunt can scan me and scam me.  I suggest you do the same or this contactless bollocks will cost you - if you notice, that is.  The first line of defence falls to us consumers, and the banks who have caused this grief are simply pathetic and fucking corporately stupid cunts who do not care.  The fact that I am denied a normal card (where contact is fucking needed) is appalling. If you don't know what I am talking about, check my January post and suss out 'Secrid' on Google.

Watch out.


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