Tuesday 4 June 2013

4.6.13 Yoghurt Overload

Gok Wan

Will someone please, please explain why I have to watch Gok prancing around, mauling females (which apparently is okay if you're gay) and preaching about 'me time' or 'confidence'.  I have had Nag Wok overload for ages, but these recent Activia adverts with all that Bifidus shit have taken things to an intolerable level.  I would appreciate a break from the affected presenting style, but fear that at any time I might be told of another Channel 4 series with Go Wank presenting in that annoying style where there's a recap every few mins and multiple chats about what's coming up.

Nicole Scherzinger

Muller-licious my fucking arse!  What an annoying term, and so typical of advertising types.  As for being described as the 'New Face of Muller', I hardly think that's complementary!  What possessed her to act like a pampered tit in aid of a yoghurt I do not know - well actually I do, it was no doubt the money.

Amanda Holden

Oykos - seriously luxurious?  Hmmm . . beg to differ.  BGT obviously pays well but not enough, and Amanda Holden does need something to occupy her for the other 11 months of the year.  So, a few adverts and endorsements are par for the course.  What's annoying is that some twat thinks I'll be more inclined to buy Oykos because Holden likes it (well, that's to be established) - and the same goes for Gok and Nicole for the other brands.


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