Saturday 22 December 2012

22.12.12 The UK Is Not A Democracy

Despite what we are told, and despite what we may think, the UK is most definitely NOT a democracy.  For a long time now, there has been no freedom of speech, and for an equally long time, democracy has not ruled.  Even on small matters, there is now a complete fear by far too many of 'upsetting' people.  Institutions, companies and individuals all pander to the concerns [most are theoretical rather than real] of do-gooders, and liberal arseholes.  'Campaigners' and 'Activists' are always fucking up something or other and ignoring both common sense and the will of the majority.

Instead of the wishes of the majority counting for much, the whinges of the very few can trump everything and anything.  In the last few day, a complaint by ONE mum stopped teachers including a song in a carol concert.  The children agreed that singing the US novelty hit Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer would be fun.  After receiving just one complaint [that the lyrics are too upsetting for seven-year-olds] the head of the junior school in Rotherham decided to remove the song.  I am struggling to work out which of the two women is the most idiotic and anal.  Is it the mother who needs to get a life?  'Yes' - her offspring are going to lead sheltered lives, I fear.  Is it the headmistress?  Double 'Yes' - someone in charge of a junior school who bows to the call from just one parent and ignores the views of all the other parents is surely not fit to guide youngsters, eh?  What do you think?

Meanwhile, over in Kent, democracy has been flipped, again on the flawed basis of having to cater for a minority rather than allowing common sense to prevail.  Parents had to sign consent forms before their kids could go to a Christmas carol service - for religious reasons.  This came about because of some complaints from families who didn't want their children going because they aren't Christian.

The vast majority of the children [557] joined in the service and provided proof that there was no issue for the majority.  However, for consent to have to be given is a perverse requirement, and this was explained perfectly well by one parent, who said:

"Surely families who don't want children to attend should be signing something, not us?  This is a Christian country which is slowly going to the dogs with all this political correct [sic] nonsense - it's offensive."

Yes, sadly it's the case now that the majority does not rule, the majority view is too often ignored, and causing offence is now the worse crime one can commit.  Cunting madness!


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