Saturday 28 July 2012

28.7.12 Sour Grapes GB Cycling

How utterly crass was the interviewer of the chap from Kazakhastan who won the gold medal.  "Congratulations, although it wasn't what the British public would have wanted."  Dis-fucking-graceful.  I DO NOT want the BBC deciding what I may or may not want!  I am actually interested in seeing some interesting and/or exciting games and races, and I am not obsessed with Team Cuntin' GB winning everything.  The bloke won a good race and deserved his gold medal.  Why the fuck does this automatically mean it was not what should have happened?

Congratulations Kazakhstan

After the race, Mark Cavendish was interviewed, and he was of course disappointed.  However, I was not impressed that he could only mumble, look away, and come out with such a pathetic comment. 

"Other countries are happy to lose, as long as we do.  That's how it is now in cycling, what with us being so strong in the sport."

Talk about a terrible attitude and sweeping generalisation.  Where's the good grace that should have been displayed.  He was well beaten.  Fucking awful display of sour grapes and poor sportsmanship.  If this is setting the tone in the attitude when anyone in Team GB loses, then the nation is going to be let down severely.  As for the commentators, pundits and newscasters, they are clearly biased as fuck to the point where there can be no enjoyment of sport for the sake of sport - only comment on relevance to GB all the time.

Please can someone (maybe Boris?) put out a directive that we should all be celebrating human endeavour, and not being partisan to the point of detriment to sporting behaviour and sporting comment!


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