Saturday 28 July 2012

28.7.12 Olympics Update & Roll of Dishonour

Well, I must confess to having been so bored that I fell asleep before much of the opening ceremony "entertainment".  Yes, the procession of teams was at first interesting, but once I realised just how many fucking countries start with 'A' and 'B', I realised it was going to be a long process.  By the letter 'L' I was feeling the effects of a long day, and my eyelids lowered.

As Junior MWSC said to me this morning, when we both agreed that the teams marching past was a bore, he came out with this comment to take the piss: "Here is Oombattibomstan, with four athletes."  This put rather well the feel of the event.

The bits of the show I did see brought out a mixture of reactions in me.  I found the whole thing weird, mad, intriguing, pathetic, embarrassing, boring, cringeworthy, impressive, tired, drab, bonkers, awful, tame, badly thought-out, shite, good and 'what-the-fuck?' in varying proportions.

On the plus side, I did not have to endure anything uttered by Paul McCartney.  This includes any sound whatsoever, including the noise from him that some commentators describe as singing.  I am quite sure I missed some really good bits, but on the plus side my unexpected sleep on the sofa allowed me to miss a fair bit of dross.

Hazel Irvine managed to annoy me as she commented on the teams being introduced, and I would have preferred it if she'd been left in the BBC cupboard until the next snooker tournament needed inane drivel to accompany the 'action'.  At one stage she went on about the South Korea competitor who'd broken the world record in Archery earlier in the day - ie. ahead of the 'opening ceremony', which makes no sense, and she described him as an "outstanding athlete".  NO, luv, he is most definitely NOT an athlete.  He is a fucking good archer (especially being blind in one eye) and he no doubt practises with amazing dedication.  However, he is not an athlete.  'Athletes' are those who perform in athletics events [there's a clue there for you, Hazel].  It can also be used to describe people whose actions are akin to those used by athletes, so for example, footballers run and so might be described as 'athletic' or in turn, even athletes.  Stretching the term to a bloke standing still, and firing an arrow is fucking silly.  The Olympic Games is a collection of events that include games as well as sports.  Archery is a game, just like 'I Spy'.  "I spy, with my one eye, something beginning with B", said Im Dong-Hyun.  "Bullseye!" said the labrador.  Then IDH hit it (the bullseye, not the dog - that was for supper).

Yesterday morning's newspaper/comic (The Sun) included a coupon that could be redeemed at Morrisons, for a free Union Jack flag.  Fucking tossers!  Unless people turn up at Morrisons on a boat, the 'Jack' terminology is incorrect.  It is a Union Flag.

Other tossers in the last week have included the members of the British team who have refused to sing the National Anthem.  EXCUSE ME!  'Great Britain' includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the National Anthem is 'God Save The Queen'.  Any cunt who want's to be in the national team but then refuses to recognise the nation and the National Anthem is totally undeserving of a place in the limelight.  There is no place for anyone in 'Team GB' is he or she does not recognise being British, for fuck's sake!  Footballers seem to be a bit two-faced, wouldn't you say?

Roll of Dishonour

Ryan Giggs (Welsh not British?)
Craig Bellamy (Welsh not British?)
Joe Allen (Welsh not British?)
Neil Taylor (Welsh not British?)
Kim Little (Scottish not British?)
Ifeoma Dieke (Scottish not British?)


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