Sunday 5 February 2012

5.2.12 EuroMillions Bastard

Every system has its weaknesses and flaws.  Systems are generally okay, and aim to cater for whatever the requirement, but there are exceptions ot the periphery.  There are naturally winners and losers at the margins, and it's a sad fact that no system is perfect.

The UK makes sure that the disabled (through Disability Living Allowance) are helped, and the Motability scheme helps those who are potentially unable to get about.  Both approaches are there to ensure that disabled people get a helping hand.  There are two problems with all of this.  The first is that there are numerous people who con the system and qualify for these benefits when they should really be told to fuck off.  Tempting as it is,  am not going to moan about them.  Belatedly, the government is trying to re-evaluate claimants and see who's telling porkies.  No, my beef is with another set of people - those who have absolutely no fucking need of the benefits they get, but are adamant that they will continue to claim them.  This set of people is a rather small one - minute in comparison to the people falsely claiming.  Nevertheless, it is abhorrent that there are cunts in society who think that their rights to benefits outweigh the moral responsibility to forego benefits.

Take the case of Mick O'Shea.  He gets DLA and a car through the Motability scheme.  He won £10.2million on the lottery.  That's right, on EuroMillions, he pocketed over ten million quid.  How the fucking hell does he think it's okay to carry on claiming?  WORSE, when challenged, he manages to create a pathetic argument that he is in the right!

He says "I'm entitled to it".  I say, "You are a complete cunt of a human being".  I do not care what claims you make about having given some money away, helped good causes or helped family.  It is morally reprehensible that you decide to claim £6000 per year DLA and a new car every three years.  You are a shit for trying to justify your warped-to-fuck stance.

Ask not what you can do for your country, but act like a cunt and see what you can screw from your country.


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