Sunday 5 February 2012

5.2.12 Dancing On Ice Week 5

A serious lack of entertainment this week - all rather subdued.  There were just a few Tony Gubba comments worth mentioning, and they didn't rival the quote from Daniel, talking about his partner Jennifer Ellison.

Gubba Comments

"A boxer split lift, amazing before the nine o'clock watershed" [Ref Jennifer Ellison]
"At least he skates better than George drives" [Ref Sam dressed as George Michael]
"She's got vitality and vigour" [Ref Chemmy - apparently her coat shines too, because of the Winalot diet]

Gubba Lifts

Upside Down Box Split Lift
The Card Trick Splits Lift
Banana Split Lift

The competition question was laughable: What was the name of the Vanilla Ice hit?
A: Sleet Sleet Baby
B: Ice Ice Baby
C: Fog Fog Baby

Oh yes, the Daniel Whiston quote, ref his partner Jennifer Ellison:

"I just get behind her and give her everything I've got."

The results programme baffles me because the first half of it comprises a repeat of the recap (which is pointless) and a 'performance' from someone or other.  This week we had Miming On Ice from One Direction.  I did not notice that the audience was solely girls aged 7-16, so I am confused about all the squealing and whooping . . . . . perhaps Caroline Flack's pals were all in for the night, trying to nab one of the
other four (Harry having seen sense and moved on from those who are almost old enough to be 'mum').

The results were delivered in no particular order - something Schofield pointed out on a number of occasions, in case we were in any fucking doubt.  The point is, though, that as expected, Stilton went out,  She was always going to be the casualty, bearing in mind that it's unfortunately not possible to vote off the pointless Christine Bleakness.  Why Zara Phillips had to get involved by commenting on Alchemy is beyond me.  Al-Chemmy was the one in red who could hold her own with Hulk Hogan.

Desperation On Ice continues next Sunday


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