Saturday 4 June 2011

4.6.11 Father's Day

I rather thought the clue to what it's all about is in the name.  So, on 19th June, there will of course be lots of cards given to fathers by their sons and daughters.  Quite simple, really.  But no . . . . it would seem that there's always room for complication and commercialisation.

I saw some cards on display this morning, and amongst the cards were a few with the message "To Granddad".  Now, what the fuck's all that about.  It is Father's Day, not Granddad's Day!  It makes no sense for someone to give a Granddad a card.  Now, I am sure I will get a card from my son, and in turn, my dad will get a card from me; but my son will not be skipping a generation as well, and 'covering for me' by buying two cards for two generations.  It's not his responsibility to send a card with "Granddad" on it to save me the bother of sending one with "Dad" on it. 

It is quite simply an opportunistic approach by the card manufacturers; they've missed a trick, though, and have discriminated against Great Granddads.  Great Granddads should in that case get a Father's Day card from their son or daughter, plus a "To Granddad on Father's Day" card from their grandchildren, and a "To Great Granddad on Father's Day" card from their great grandchildren!  Further, if there is to be recognition of fatherhood from those other than direct offspring, then by rights, Granddad should send a card - "To My Son on Father's Day", to acknowledge the day in sync with the grandson.  A great granddad would of course be obliged to send two cards, to the two generations below him - more for multiple sons and grandsons.

All of this makes sense, even if it's a bit hard to follow.  So the missing cards in the pack are:
  • To Great Granddad on Father's Day
  • To My Son on Father's Day
  • To My Grandson on Father's Day
There is of course no reason why this approach is not extended further, but I think the existing Granddad cards and my provision above for more steps to be taken by Clinton Cards will keep us all going for a while.


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