Friday 17 June 2011

17.6.11 Leaping Into Bed

The recent flurry of reporting on every aspect of the Ryan Giggs saga has included many amusing twists and a fair few phrases that conjure up strange visions.  As ever, there have been some typical references to "romping" and "leaping".  I have never quite understood exactly what a "romp" involves, when it comes to a liaison with a member of the opposite sex.  It it a jocular wrestle?  A bit of rough and tumble, perhaps?  Maybe some energetic fumbling and joint exercise?  As for "leaping", I think I must be missing out to a significant degree, because a lot of it seems to go on but not in my life - not since I did rather well at the long jump (and athletics in general) at school.  "Leaping" seems to feature in two ways, in the modern world.  The most common use is with reference to those engaging in illicit sex.  The other is a seasonal use, where in the Christmas carol, eleven lords seem to be doing it - leaping, not having illicit sex.

Other inclusions over recent days have been constant references to how various men have "bedded" women.  It is amazing that a woman can actually be bedded, as though she is a passive party in the act.  The poor unsuspecting females who have been bedded just happened to be well up for a shag and intent on getting one (or very many).  There's also been rather a lot of "frolicking".  What does a frolic actually involve?  Apparently frolicking is a very popular pastime, enjoyed by those who mostly try to do it in secret, but usually get found out.   

The Giggs clan mmbers are all as bad as each other, bedding, shagging, frolicking, and leaping into beds.  The only thing missing in the range of activities is swashbuckling.


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