Thursday 5 May 2011

5.5.11 Waterworld

It was a fairly brief visit, but I was able to experience the wondrous effects of water jets, and do so at the very reasonable rate of twenty nine pounds.  I cannot say I am too fond of water generally.  Yes, I do drink the stuff [in both its natural form and after it has found its way into a can of Carlsberg after being tweaked according to a Danish recipe and a fermenting process that involves hops] and I wash in it, but I only really have a swim when on holiday.  My Waterworld experience was interesting, and in fact totally unexpected.

The first burst of water came from a tap which was obviously designed to dispense water in blasts; after fooling me for a few seconds by refusing to provide even a drip, it then released air and water with one almighty whoosh.  Once in a blue moon, I go to the petrol station to get air and water for the car.  Of the four natural elements, I find these two are the most appropriate for helping cars to perform properly, and I have never found much use for earth and fire - not that petrol stations bother with them anyway.  Back to the point; water and air are dispensed separately - except at Waterworld.

My second experience was much a repeat of the first, but I was first lulled into a false sense of security and wellbeing.  Although the water was either "off" or "on-at-full-blast", it seemed constant in its dual approach.  But after less than two minutes, it dried up instantly.  The supply held its metaphorical breath, and then sneezed like fuck (so to speak) blasting me with a shower of water.

Would I recommend Waterworld to others?  No, not really.  Instead, I'd prefer to warn others to avoid this so-called attraction, situated conveniently close to East Midlands Airport.  So if you have any sense, then give it a miss; the details are -

Donnington Services
Junction 24, M1

The taps and showers have minds of their own.


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