Sunday 15 May 2011

15.5.11 South West Trains

Absolutely disgraceful!  The cuntish behaviour of South West Trains beggars belief!  A Stationmaster went on to the tracks to remove a shopping trolley that was left there by yobs.  Acting responsibly (and exactly how we would all hope someone with 27 years of service would act in such circumstances) he of course prevented an accident.  What is the fucking point of having a Stationmaster and relying on him to oversee the service if it appears he is supposed to watch and do nothing?  Apparently he should not have removed it because it was a breach of Health & Safety rules - well so is leaving a shopping trolley on the line!!

So, here we have a classic situation.  The arseholes of the world, along with the cheats, scroungers, the complete cunts, the thugs, the ASBO magnets and the dregs of society all seem to be allowed to get away with anything and behave how they like with no comeback.  Institutional acceptance that this is just how it is, means that we all have to be unsurprised when shit happens.  Meanwhile, an upstanding member of the community tries his very best to help the public and his employers, yet gets heavily penalised (fucked over, basically) because the country is up its own arse.

What would have happened if there was a small level crossing next to the station, and instead of a trolley being left on the line, a car had stalled and was stranded.  Is South West Trains saying that it should be left there because to move it would be breaching H&S rules?  Logic says that must be the case.  So, in conclusion, readers, don't travel on South West Trains.  By default, the company is encouraging staff to avoid going on to the track at any time, whatever the circumstances - even to prevent an accident.  So, remember this if you do decide to catch a South West Train; while you're doing 120mph, there could well be a car across the line waiting to derail you, and anyone who dares try to move it will suffer consequences.  It's clearly preferable that there is carnage and multiple deaths in line with Health & Safety rules.



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