Monday 16 May 2011

16.5.11 Television at 9pm

What a truly shit choice for television viewing tonight.  The options for 9.00pm seem rather odd.

BBC1 = The Street That Cut Everything
A street in Preston has basically told the council to fuck off for six weeks, and will be self sufficient while not paying council tax.  What a brilliant idea.  Seeing as I quite often have to drive a 16-mile round trip to the tip, I wouldn't mind doing it to save £44 per week council tax!  Let's face it, that's the only pissin' thing the council does (fortnightly) as long as you put out the bin at the correct time, put it in the right place, make sure the lid is closed, and that the bin contains the right sort of rubbish.

BBC2 = Children's Craniofacial Surgery
What bright spark at the beeb thought that this would pass for entertainment?   What next - "OAP's Barium Meals"?  "Incontinence Across the Continents"?  "The Sexuality of Bi-Polar Bi Polar Bears"?

ITV1 = Strangeways
A focus on the prison's healthcare unit.  David claims to be disabled and needing a wheelchair, but experts say he can walk.  Well fuck me - riveting!  ITV certainly has strange ways of deciding what's entertaining.

Channel 4 = Gordon's Great Escape
Gordon Ramsay visits Vietnam, where he samples a snake heart that's still beating, barbecued duck (that's no longer quacking, I assume) and a squid caught in a basket (makes a change from the chicken, I suppose).  He then hosts a pork dinner for connoisseurs, whatever that means.  I translate that as 'cooks sausages for cunts'.  All of this is totally unnecessary, gratuitous, pointless, uninteresting and crass.  We cannot seem to escape Gordon wherever he goes or whatever he does.  Shouldn't he be in hell or a fucking kitchen somewhere, out of sight (and earshot)?

Channel 5 = The Hotel Inspector
Not worth more than these seven words.

R.I.P Terrestrial Television


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