Wednesday 3 November 2010

3.11.10 Prisoners

No cuntin' prisoner should be allowed to vote.  End of.

I see in the news that a criminal has been sent to prison after his failure to turn up for the 100 hours of community service he was 'awarded'.  It seems he has a problem with 'motivation' and has declined to complete this (soft) option for his wrongdoings.  So, the judge has now jailed him, and has expressed disappointment and dismay that someone could prefer jail to unpaid work.  This whole saga highlights a sorry failure regarding the prison system in the UK - that prisoners are not forced to work anyway.  So, this lazy cunt wants to sit around for a few months doing nothing, at great cost to the tax payer, rather than do a few hours work.  If I were in charge, he'd be doing hard cuntin' labour while inside.  Obviously with that sort of regime, we'd never have got into this position; the cunt would be glad to do community service to atone for his crimes.

So, prisoners should not be able to vote, and all prisoners should have to do work.  If a prisoner refuses, then there should be no parole granted, ever.  End of.

This country is so fucking soft and useless, it's embarrassing!

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