Friday 6 April 2012

6.4.12 Pathetic Pricing Policy

I noted with amazement yesterday the latest efforts by the Cunt-op to bamboozle customers and maximise profits.  I was hoping to buy some Bulmers Cider, as my supply of the 'Crisp' version at £1 per bottle had disappeared.  On the shelf, there were three options for the Bulmers, all next to each other.  The price for a single bottle was £2.35.  One would certainly not be enough for me, and the effort to walk to the shop was deserving of more than one in any event.  So, for 1-6 bottles the prices would have been:

1 = £2.35
2 = £4.70
3 = £7.05
4 = £9.40
5 = £11.75
6 = £14.10

This was coming in at rather more than £1 per bottle, which I've been paying for more than three weeks!  I looked at the 'offer' sign and saw that it was "3 for £5.50".  This was looking a bit better.

1 = £2.35
2 = £4.70
3 = £7.05       £5.50 
4 = £9.40
5 = £11.75
6 = £14.10     £11.00

So, it had moved from £2.35 per bottle to £1.83.  Then I saw the boxes of 6 bottles, at £7.00

1 = £2.35
2 = £4.70
3 = £7.05       £5.50 
4 = £9.40
5 = £11.75
6 = £14.10     £11.00      £7.00

So, down to £1.17 per bottle.  What a fucking mess of an approach!


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