Saturday 29 February 2020

29.2.20 The Twats of Sussex

Apparently the annual bill for providing security for the two self-serving Twats of Sussex could rise to £20m.  Twenty fucking million pounds - PER YEAR!  Sorry, but this is outrageous.  Their choice to disengage with the Royal establishment should not mean that tax-payers in the UK and Canada should have to foot the bill as the rabble runs around the globe.  The ToS are a perfect example of how to be entitled, selfish and cuntish.

We're Fucking Off

The 'transition' they are now embarked on is attention seeking at its worst.  As for the Royal titles, it seems they are retaining them but not actively using them.  Talk about wanting your cake and eating it.  They have no business even retaining the HRH titles, even if they do claim they will not actively use them.  That's like promising something but having your fingers crossed behind your back.

If he is apparently saying, "Just call me Harry" then why is the HRH retained?

I was always sure that Meghan would steer things, and she has from a young age declared an interest in bagging a prince.  Like any celebrity, get your bloke, get a ring, get a baby, then get your own way - or split up.  This is simply Cheryl Fernandez-Versini-Tweedy-Cole and Liam Payne, mirrored one level up.  If Harry is dumb enough to be pulled along by his dick, then more fool him, and no sympathy.  I expect they will split up at some point.

PS: Why the fuck have I seen a woman curtsying while shaking hands with MM?


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