Monday 10 February 2020

10.2.20 Shocking Radio 4

Unfortunately I have to report that the quality of English on Radio 4 has fallen to an all time low.  That's not to say there has been any decent level of grammar and English in recent years - I have heard so much shit for a long time now - but that I now sense a scaling up of shite.

Sue Perkins this evening talked about "eating a large amount of carrots" with not the slightest hint of embarrassment at delivering such a poor comment.  "Number" rather than "amount" was clearly the proper way of saying what she wanted to say.  During the news, before Sue's arrival, I had to listen to a muppet newsman talking about being "VULNERABLE" but without the first "L".  He also decided that the five-syllable word "TEMPORARILY" was better delivered over the airwaves with just three syllables.  What a stupid cunt, and what a fuck of a pronunciation that caused the word to be unintelligible.

I also heard this evening the woman protester discussing the HS2 project, but without the cunting ability to say "HS2" properly.  This clearly meant she lost all authority, and had no right to even speak on the subject.

Still, Greg Smith, the new MP in Buckinghamshire, was on last week, struggling himself to pronounce "INFRASTRUCTURE" and coming up with "INFASTRUCTURE" as an alternative.  He too stumbled with HS2, alternating between proper pronunciation, and the fucked up "H".

Evan Davis is the most nauseating whisperer on the station, but closely followed by Nick Robinson.  Their delivery styles, whilst different, are a challenge to any human ear and the presence of either is a cause of depression, upon turning the radio on.

The overuse of the word "SO" is enough to cause a car crash, as the listener is struck with radio rage.  "Kind of" and "sort of" litter the air as useless contributors struggle to get shit from their withering brains to the microphone.



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