Monday 3 February 2014

3.2.14 Save The Children or Pay The Bosses

I have long been complaining about two things charity related; the ludicrous number of charities in the UK, and the percentage of money that goes nowhere near the good causes for which they raise money.  There should, as would happen in the commercial world, be some rationalisation, with mergers by the thousand, to reduce running costs and the wasted money.  There is simply no need for 20,000- 30,000 separate organisations ripping off donors and claiming tax relief etc.  The good causes which need good input are simply not being well supported.

Today we hear of something related to the other point.  In the news, there's dismay at the salary for the boss at Save The Children.  £234,000 is fucking nuts!  The arguments about having to pay for top quality people are simply not valid, appropriate or warranted; those seeking to defend this stupid policy should spend time instead finding people who'd be devoted for rather less. David Cameron gets £142, 500 . . . and so I am struggling to see how the STC job is worth over £90,000 more than the job of running the country.  There are of course dozens of other people earning 6-figure sums.

The top job at Marie Stopes pays £290,000 per year. There are numerous other organisations whose finances would make us shudder, and be appalled at the 'double standards'.  Aside from the farce on salaries are the other outgoings to keep these charities going.  Offices, cars, and fucking advertising. When you're next tempted to drop a £2 coin, I suggest you give it either direct to someone who needs it, or perhaps to a charity without a cunt in charge driving a Jag on a six-figure salary, pension and 8 weeks of holiday entitlement. Pick a proper charity where 'business practices' have not corrupted the basis for its existence.  Don't stop giving, just change your giving habits.

Charity is simply big business now.  Constant adverts on TV, thousands of high street shops, and competition for our money.  With many shops charging loads for stuff given to them, there's no attraction any more, and the charity presented to the UK public via the shops is almost non-existent, in favour of the relevant cause maximising and keeping as much as possible.  Obviously the staff are volunteers, but with so much profit coming in, it's a fucking cheek that the volunteers are expected to do what they do - especially when the people at the top are raking it in!


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