Friday 21 February 2014

21.2.14 Cats, Dogs, Cunts and Biscuits

Takes the Biscuit

A cleaner at an Italian art gallery threw away some of the exhibition.  It was a very easy mistake to make, considering one of the 'pieces' consisted of broken biscuits in an artistic arrangement.  She thought it was rubbish left behind by staff setting up the exhibition.  Well, I am hardly surprised, and what counts as art these days is pathetic.  How on earth can a few bits of biscuit be worth 10,000 euros, however the fuck they are arranged?


In Southest Portland, USA, a sixteen-year-old was lured to his fate by four other teenagers.  His fate was to be tortured and then have a swastika cut into his forehead with a Stanley knife.  While the 14-year-old cunt is going to be treated as a juvenile by the courts, the two 15-year-olds and the 17-year-old are to be tried as adults, and have been named.  This is a far cry from the pathetic approach adopted in the UK, where "for legal reasons" there seems a reluctance to name anyone younger than 18 at all, let alone put them on trial as an adult.  Well done, USA, for recognising that there is no lower age limit on being a cunt/criminal - albeit that the 14-year-old is for some unknown reason being dealt with more softly.

Six-Month Sentence

As if to provide proof that the UK is fucked, and in terms of justice, hasn't a cunting clue about what is appropriate, we learn of a 6-month sentence given to Jason Gorton.  200 offences over 20 years has produced a worthless individual, whose actions have left hundreds intimidated.  Burglaries, assaults and other actions have resulted in his being in and out for prison since the 1990s, and ASBOs are obviously a pathetic tap on the wrist for someone like this.

Found guilty of being equipped to steal (and violating the ASBO) he's been given a 6-month sentence.  I fear that the Cunts-in-Charge have no fucking idea what the public wants or expects from the justice 'system'.  As people continue to commit crimes (and even more so if the seriousness escalates) then the penalties imposed MUST get bigger.  Otherwise, the 'system' fucking sucks - which it DOES.  In ten weeks, he will be out of prison, and scaring the life out of old people and shopkeepers once again, until the next time he's arrested.  Fucking FARCE.

Dog Hoarding

I am at a loss to understand a phenomenon known as "animal hoarding", and absolutely no sympathy for this supposed condition when it is used as a defence/explanation by fuckers who have mistreated animals appallingly.  The above two people kept 15 dogs in horrendous conditions, with the property completely caked in faeces and urine.  The squalid conditions were only the half of it; worse was the fact that the animals were not neutered or vaccinated, and were in fact inbred, constantly fighting, and feral.  They were locked up, and in efforts to get out, had scratched through plaster, plasterboard and mortar.  The RSPCA found one dog which had been mauled to death.

The vet bills have totalled £10,000, dealing with the results of neglect, the wounds and bringing them back to good health.  What has been the outcome of this awful case?

The two useless people have to pay costs of £580 and have suspended sentences.  Oh, and they are banned from keeping animals for life.  This is a pathetic outcome and deters no one from abusing animals.  Dogs get a bad press, but humans create many of the problems through bad handling and a lack of care.  This 'tap on the wrist' is simply inexcusable, and the system is fucked.  12-week sentences, suspended for 12 months means no penalty.  A curfew from 7pm to 7am is a completely pointless and meaningless 'punishment', and the costs they have to pay (£580) is rather short of the £10,000 vets bills!  Care for the animals since their rescue has cost in all, £40,000.  The magistrates are fuckwits.

Laura Cunliffe

Her name is almost appropriate, just a 't' missing.  She has indeed been a cunt, because there's no other way to describe her vile actions.  The 23-year-old was annoyed with her cat; it supposedly 'attacked' her goldfish.  The sentence imposed by the cunt was to cook the 4-month-old cat in the microwave for five minutes.  Needless to say, the cat died, though not immediately.  The five minutes of radiation was enough to cook its internal organs, but it managed to survive another 90 minutes in agony.  She will be sentenced on 13th March - let's hope there's a deterrent signalled via this sentence.  However, I have no fucking confidence in the courts, and considering the sentence of the 'dog hoarders', she will probably get something pointless, like 12 hours community service; let's wait and see.


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