Monday 3 February 2014

3.2.14 Reduction in National Speed Limit

The country is grinding to a halt.  There may be claims of a slight economic recovery (no doubt temporary) but there's no escape from the fact that times are hard, and cuts are everywhere.  Yes, the nonsensical climate is now to witness tossers in charge of things insisting that cuts are necessary, while other tossers are spending a fortune on shit that swallows money for no gain, let alone reason!  So yes, it will be no surprise if you witness a service being cut or a building closing in your area (under the umbrella of 'cut backs') while we donate many millions to countries around the world - countries which in some cases don't want the money, in others don't need the money, and worse, in other cases are countries which have disputes with the UK!  Fucking stupid.

The UK economy is supposedly starting to get a bit better.  I can't say I've noticed much improvement, but if the CIC* are sure, then maybe there's a shoot or two to signal an upward trend.  If this is the case, then there must surely be something the country can do to shoot itself in the foot and slow things down again.

The CIC have taken this quite literally, and so rather than allow the long-promised increase in the speed we can travel on a Motorway, so that we are in line with most other European countries, we have decided to slow things down. The chosen method is NOT of course to reduce the National Speed Limit to 60mph, because doing so would mean a blanket approach, and nothing but moans from just about everyone.  More importantly, there would be little prospect of the institutions making any money.  So, the devious CIC are set to install cameras along hundreds of miles of motorway, cameras with no purpose whatsoever except watching us driving at whatever speed we can squeeze out of our high performance cars while lorries are clogging up two lanes.  The cameras will be erected to ensure smooth traffic flow, the CIC would have us believe.  This is technically known as 'cunting bollocks', but you might like to refer to the claim/policy as 'traffic management' instead, if you are a politically correct twat.

The cameras will look to see if we are travelling over 70 miles per hour - something that almost 95% of all drivers using motorways admitted to in a recent survey.  So, this means that the average national speed of the UK is set to be forcibly reduced by the CIC.  Every time I have ever studied details of haulage and the costs of distribution to industry and commerce in this country, it has always been the case that slowing down costs a fortune.  I therefore suggest that the only benefit to these cameras will be . . . . . . . hang on, I can't think of one at all - except probable fines for offenders and more money for police forces and the government to argue over, while telling us all that safety has been improved.

Sorry, but there will be no safety improvement but I guarantee a rise in levels of frustration, people suffering heart attacks at the wheel, and delays for all to boot.  Whenever there's the slightest fucking bump, let alone a severe crash, there are lane closures and investigations lasting hours.  Cops have to direct traffic and measure skid marks so that the insurance companies can be confident of apportioning blame and ripping off all parties in future premium levels.  There is NEVER any sense of urgency, or priority for thousands of drivers in vehicles, trying to move.  Instead, the motorist is abused, delayed, fined, and herded into lanes by the CIC who have no concern for anything.

A cunt from an academic department in a remote university will provide the news media with a few lines that state support for the traffic management measures, and studies will allegedly show improved overall traffic flow by slowing everyone down.  The reality will of course be so fucking different that it will be too late to argue the case.  Unfortunately the cunt with the quotes will be rather less imaginative or inventive as Sir Barnes Wallis; everyone listening to the shit on the news coming from the car radio (while a lorry pulls out with no indication at all into the middle lane at 39mph and nearly writes off your car) will wish a bouncing bomb could clear the fucking way.  When, half an hour later there's a chance to travel safely in the fast lane on a clear day at 80mph, the drivers will all have to squint skyward in search of the tiny grey cunting cameras that the CIC have sanctioned, in case the chance to make up 34 seconds on the overall journey is penalised with a £120 fine.

This country sucks.  We have more cameras than any other country in the world, and we are set to install more.

[ * CIC = Cunts In Charge ]


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