Saturday 11 January 2014

11.1.14 News - If You Can Stomach It

Selfish Cunt

Today's paper contains a double page spread on a bloke who claims to be "The best dad in the world".  His basis for such a claim is rather bizarre, though.  He has 22 kids by 11 women, 32 court convisctions and has not had a job for ten years.  The fact that seven of the kids don't know he's their father is of little interest to this selfish person., Three have criminal records already, and will probably end up inside like their dad, who's been locked up four times.  To my mind, there is no better example of how someone can be an awful example and father; to sit smugly for a photo with some of his kids is a smack in the face for all the ordinary folk (taxpayers) who support his lifestyle.  The cost of all the benefits, court input, police time, prison costs and the subsequent similar costs for all his fucking offspring mean that this clan is costing us all - most probably well over a millions quid.  WTF?  This society is fucked up beyond all recognition.

Keith Vaz

What sort of prize arsehole would make a point of going to an airport to 'welcome' the first arrivals from another EU country when those coming off a plane are in the UK for one reason.  Yes, they might perhaps have a passing interest in getting work, especially getting by for thirteen weeks, but the real reason is the security of knowing that they can then be entitled to benefits from the UK tapayers who are obviously not content with supporting useless people already living here, but want the challenge of paying for a chunk of fucking Europe as well!  That's sarcasm, folks, in case there's any cunting doubt.

So, Mr Vaz shakes the hands of a Romanian who gets work for one day then disappears.  The fact that this chap was apparently a thug, leaving a victim beaten in Romania suggests that Vaz just wanted a photo opportunity and didn't give a shit about consequences, or the message sent out.  I am wondering to myself now whether the heading for this section should not have been a repeat of the first heading.  Is there anything worse than a politician trying to score points with futile and inappropriate actions while taking wages, expenses and a pension for doing nothing helpful?  Probably, but I could do without him much more than I can do without that first Romanian chap.

Labour Losers

The Labour Party is in a mess.  From his hermit's cave, Gordon Brown appeared earlier this week to moan about three lost years after no economic growth, criticising George Osbourne.  Hmmm . . . pot, kettle, cunt, I'd say.  I seem to recall Gordon fucking up the finances by not only selling all our gold at the lowest market price for decades, in real terms, just ahead of the cycle that saw its worth grow ten-fold, but then raiding the city and pension funds for billions of pounds.  He then squandered that money along with much more that was raised through various licences being issues (technology related).  When Tony Blair fucked off, Gordon got his chance to squeeze the last bit of hope from the acne-ridden state of the UK's economic situation before he disappeared to hide in a cave.  The cupboard was bare, and there was nothing in reserve.

Meanwhile, Alistair Darling sold us out to the EU by signing shit that meant we had to be involved in bailouts of countries whose woes grew - all of whom were in the Eurozone.  Ed Balls talk bollocks.  Ed Miliband now 'leads' (the inverted commas are perfectly appropriate) and tries to show he's a man of the people. Sorry, every Labour politician who's ever got anywhere seems to be self-serving, whether for reputational gain, financial gain or both.  So, Ed, striving to be of some allure to the ordinary man, gets free first class upgrades with BA, worth thousands of pounds.  Is this appropriate, a perk, justifiable, crass, silly or greedy?  Whatever, it is certainly not endearing!  Meanwhile, Mandelson proves beyond any doubt that he's in an out-and-out race to try and become more of a self-serving individual than Tony Blair.  And they said that the Tories are the ones who are privileged!


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